A New Year's Coup

yes horsey pal and pipe down, ok


What wobbles in the sky?

A jelicopter!!


Hands up if you’ve been to NOGRA :clap:

What a tumultuous start to the new year. The western Canada clique is still going strong. And going back to sleep hopefully. Farewell south Galway lads, deep down we all secretly hated each other despite keeping up pleasantries, the rural Galway way


A clique with one person is not a clique,its just one billynomates

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It’s more realistic than your claims to earn hundreds of thousands anyway you simpleton

The sum total of Massey’s wealth, after thirty years with the shovel and pickaxe over in England

There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark

:grinning: We’re the last of the mohicans bro, stay strong

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The RRWs awoke to a bright new dawn on November 9th.

How quickly it’s all come crashing down for them.

It’s kind of sad, really.

But if you can’t take the heat in the kitchen, get out of the dressing room.

This is senior hurling.


There’s plenty of jobs going behind deli counters everywhere now the booms back,one of them would surely take you on,I’ll even send my lads for their breakfast rolls to keep ye busy

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Thanks for comprehensively proving my simpleton diagnosis

No problem

I’ve received word via carrier pigeon that Statements will be made at 10pm tonight.

Why is @ironmoth not posting anymore?

Silent protest.

Come home @KinvarasPassion, @ironmoth and @labane1917… I don’t care what you’ve done, I still love you.

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whats going on? 3 sound lads …

Iv a feeling KP has been neutralised

Never, never, never.

A designated survivor will need to be appointed