A New Year's Coup

It’ll be a solicitors letter rather then a PM
Dinny has gladly offered me the services of his legal team free gratis

@anon7035031’s lawyer:


Nearly as bad as the time @kid_chocolate ran @anon7035031 off Clare hurlers.

Lads, the plot thickens.

Sources have confirmed to me that threatening PM’s have made it into the public domain. This will not end well.



that never happened

I’d pipe down if I was you.

why bud?

What the fuck is going on here?
Is @Smark going to be banned ?

Can someone throw up a few bullet points there I’m a bit lost.

Rocko 1pt
Labane 0pts
Nogra - 1pt

Is there another thread somewhere that explains why @Tassotti cried his way back to the ferry?

The only amusing thing about this debacle is that somebody mentioned @Tassotti at the beginning as if he was a real person.


Are the pretend IRA clique going to give the lads a 21 water gun salute?

Cc @Rocko @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @Bandage

1 Like

What do you serve but never eat?

A tennis ball. :smile:

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


Well look who it is

Trying to crawl back after being brutally exposed… You creep.

Should I read back the thread, mate?

I dont know mate.i dont know what to think anymore