A question for TFK

Iā€™m not going to prescribe an amount. People have different abilities to pay. And some people wonā€™t want to pay at all and I donā€™t have a problem with that. Iā€™d prefer more small contributions than lots of large ones but Iā€™m not going to impose any financial contribution on anyone.

If some of us pay more, will you post less?


Ah thatā€™s lovely now. Just lovely.

Iā€™ll also need a couple of people to test this functionality for me in a couple of weeks. Let me know if youā€™re interested. Iā€™m already taking @Macā€™s shitty offer of assistance as volunteering to test stuff.

Oh and a reminder of that donation location:
http://www.thefreekick.com/blog or just send ā‚¬ by PayPal to admin@thefreekick.com

Your lucky I donated before I read that you ungrateful cunt

@Rocko, is the admin/moderator team expected to donate?

I should hope not.

The paltry amount you transferred was hardly worthy of the time I wasted logging into PayPal to check. Nevertheless, I grudgingly admit receipt.

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I havenā€™t a clue about technology @Rocko, needless to say I havenā€™t a PayPal acc. I struggled to click that link the other day. Could I donate with a debit/credit card ?

Canā€™t find it. The link thing in the LHS of the page. :thinking: Iā€™ll log on with the laptop later.
Will that work then?

Pay me instead and i might post less

This place really is gone to the dogs, ive been posting the exact same style for years, i have one debate that gets out of hand a few gimps all of a sudden jump on together and have a go. Including moderators in this ā€˜haven for free speechā€™ sidney is the only one who should have an issue with what i posted. Others can ignore it like i ignore other debates that dont interest me, but its easy to all jump on together. Another poster wished me and another dead before Christmas, but he goes around massaging lads egos so heā€™s ok. Some online warriors in this place.


Would it not make more sense to price it, then people can see what total is needed and reduce it accordingly with donations

Are you close to a mental breakdown?

No not at all, pissed off yesterday with how I was being singled out now Iā€™m just laughing at a few known cowards. It comes with the territory of not licking peopleā€™s holes perhaps.


In fairness with the holiday at the moment a grand was all I could afford. Hopefully others will fill the rest of the gap.

I will lodge 5


Well fuck me @Rocko, if Joe is upping the ante from @Macā€™s paltry grand to a whopping 5 grand, is there any need for @Brimmer_Bradley to donate at all. Put me down for ā‚¬10 - I gave a homeless a ton today for a slightly used fixie, so Iā€™m tight until Friday.

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It could have been worse, he could have mailed you some craft beer.

Iā€™ll throw in a few quid at the end of the month. Going from weekly pay to monthly is some cunt :angryrage:

Got it

I was about to donate there @Rocko, though the place has been a bit off colour recently, when it occurred to me that I could get badly caught out like one might on, say, a wedding etiquette thread, and exposed as a miser (by everyone else), or lambasted as a playboy (by @bandage).
What is the going rate, or do we need a thread for this.
Whilst Iā€™m at it, does donating make one more likely to be on the end of a website libel accusation??


Iā€™ll buy you out @Rocko

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