A quick poll if you will


I could perhaps be going insane, but is it just me, as kev says in the above post, going out of my way to contradicit him, or is he a fooking idiot? He says its obvious, so if it is, then the rest of the forum should be able to help out on this.

So the question is, is it obvious MBB is out to contradict kev at every turn, or is Kev being a fooking utter idiot.

This wont run for long, and lets be honest, there’s be more idiotic polls posted on here. :rolleyes:

Where’s the “I couldn’t give a fuck” option?

just dont mention anything Cork…

Ah right, forgot that one. Vote with your feet.

MBB has mine and most people’s support if only for the sterling work he does on the lovely ladies thread.

And because Kevin is a cock.

Using the mouse with my foot is tricky. Can I cheat and use my hands?

kev is a cock

I am in two minds here. MBB has now taken to referring to himself in the third person so obviously can’t be sided with.

Having said that, it’s easy to be perceived as disagreeing with someone at every given opportunity when it may not really be the case that one is doing it deliberately. I seem to disagree with just about everything KIB Man says but there are probably plenty of things we agree on, like Caroline Morahan or something, I dunno.

It’s a close call but I’m siding with Kev. For the moment…

Don’t mess with Texas

good man the flan

Just the band for Mbb and Kev

“When We Are Together”

Oh, I remember you said can I fight and breathe
So now I always, always hold my breath you see
You’re my heaven, you’re my spaceman in your shiny shiny suit
I’ll send up all my prayers and hope they’re understood

Love started making sense
I always make mistakes at my expense
Love has placed a seed
And you’re the sun that shines down upon me

Yeh when we are together
And when we are apart
There is no space in our hearts
I’ve got these feelings

It’s been too long since I’ve tried to take the time
So now I’m fallin’, fallin’ into the sublime
When you brush against a stranger
And you both apologise
And when you see there’s something you recognise

Love started making sense
I always make mistakes at my expense
Love has placed a seed
And you’re the sun that shines down upon me

Yeh when we are together
And when we are apart
There is no space in our hearts
I’ve got these feelings

Yeh when we are together
And when we are apart
There is no space in our hearts
I’ve got these feelings

Yeh when we are together
And when we are apart
There is no space in our hearts
I’ve got these feelings

Yeh when we are together
And when we are apart
There is no space in our hearts
I’ve got these feelings

Yeh when we are together
And when we are apart
There is no space in our hearts
I’ve got these feelings

Nice work Laz

Kev is an alright sort

I have loads of disagreements with Kev and a good few with MBB too, I suppose. Two utter, utter cunts. :rolleyes:

Cracking feud today though - it deserves a mention in the specific feud thread.

Jesus MBB. I saw this today and it never crossed my mind you’d set up a poll to make yourself feel better.
If i thought it meant this much i wouldn’t have slagged you (or Laois) off at all. You should really try being on my side of the fence over the past year with that shower of wankers running, playing and managing my favourite team.

I voted for you by the way ( as in i voted for me being an idiot, couldn’t live with you feeling so bad over it all).

Good man kev, I’d like to think you saw sense, but that’d be a first.

You really wouldn’t let it go.
Just because the wexicans(and their side kick Fran) and the scumbags vote in your favour doesn’t make you right you know.

But anything just to stop you from meltdown, because you were heading for e-melt big time over the past 2 days.
Laois are shite at hurling by the way, that hasn’t changed.:o

Let it go kev…

Just out of curiosity, why the wedding speach toast as a signature.

quote from the Quiet man is it not? Someone else (or maybe MBB too) had the he’ll regret it til his dying day one too