A thread to post controversial opinions

feel free to post your most controversial opinions in this thread

the thread is set up to get it off your chest without any repercussions

ill start

i believe that certain elements in the Gardai were directly involved in the Dublin Monaghan bombings & that FG were happy with the bombings as they saw it as an opportunity to attack republicanism


criminals on indictable offences should be convicted and sentenced by a juries of their peers

the death penalty should be brought back in

Despite being a mong, artfoley is actually a sound enough skin and one of the better posters on here


despite the charade of hating me, deep down the mong foley likes me & looks forward to my posts as a learning experience

I believe that no Western European country has a chance of winning Eurovision due to Eastern Bloc voting.

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the GGA was set up by british agents to keep the natives occupied as otherwise they would be rebelling


I really feel that NCC has grown as a person since he has started nteracting with me and given another few years may be ready for full release:clap:

liverpool fans were not blameless in regards to hillsborogh

Celtic are League 1 Standard?

NCC - I thought this was for controversial opinions. Not utterly stupid ones.

I think the Pope is a Nazi scumbag

I definitely agree with the return of the death penalty, other than that Iā€™m a fairly controvery-free person, although surely everyone has a couple of opinions that wouldnā€™t even be uttered on this thread?

2010 is Liverpools year?

Iā€™m all in is Irelands best tipster?

That would be an extremely controversial shout alright :wink:

I really donā€™t like Jews, and more particulary i hate Isrealiā€™s.
I really admire Kerry football and Killkenny hurling, but think both are taking the piss with their attitude to other GAA sports.
I agree with alot of what the Leinster lads bang on about in regards to Munster bandwagoning, only i believe its just as bad in Leinster, and will get worse.
What else?
I think NCC is alright, and iā€™m kinda getting used to the wexicans, but that should go pear shaped any day again now.:wink:
I think Brian Oā€™ Driscoll is gay.
I think Dublin is one of the greatest shitholes on this planet sometimes, and then other times i thinks its the bees knees.

[quote=ā€œcaoimhaoinā€]I really donā€™t like Jews, and more particulary i hate Isrealiā€™s.
I really admire Kerry football and Killkenny hurling, but think both are taking the piss with their attitude to other GAA sports.
I agree with alot of what the Leinster lads bang on about in regards to Munster bandwagoning, only i believe its just as bad in Leinster, and will get worse.
What else?
I think NCC is alright, and iā€™m kinda getting used to the wexicans, but that should go pear shaped any day again now.:wink:
I think Brian Oā€™ Driscoll is gay.
I think Dublin is one of the greatest shitholes on this planet sometimes, and then other times i thinks its the bees knees.[/QUOTE]

Kev is not indecisive

Trying too hard there Kev, you couldnā€™t possibly think all of the above is true. I often wonder sometimes am I an anti-semite, but I think Iā€™ve just yet to meet a sound one. :wink:

i was chatting to a bird in germany once and she said she was from ā€˜freedom landā€™ā€¦she had the head of a ā€˜4 by 2ā€™ā€¦i presume that was Israel she was on about??..