A thread to post controversial opinions

Sounds like it scumpot. Did you make hissing sounds out of your mouth as you upped and left here there?

dirty Zionist pig was bandied about alright but i canā€™t remember who said itā€¦my mate fcukin hates themā€¦iā€™ve never had any real dealings with them TBHā€¦

[quote=ā€œcaoimhaoinā€]I really donā€™t like Jews, and more particulary i hate Isrealiā€™s.
I really admire Kerry football and Killkenny hurling, but think both are taking the piss with their attitude to other GAA sports.
I agree with alot of what the Leinster lads bang on about in regards to Munster bandwagoning, only i believe its just as bad in Leinster, and will get worse.
What else?
I think NCC is alright, and iā€™m kinda getting used to the wexicans, but that should go pear shaped any day again now.:wink:
I think Brian Oā€™ Driscoll is gay.
I think Dublin is one of the greatest shitholes on this planet sometimes, and then other times i thinks its the bees knees.[/QUOTE]


I think the majority of women (in this country at least) are unsound, unfunny, uninteresting, shallow, boring bitches.

I think parents should be allowed to slap their children. And possibly teachers too.

Iā€™m not homophobic but Iā€™ve absolutely hated almost every gay man Iā€™ve ever met.

[quote=ā€œThrawneenā€]I think the majority of women (in this country at least) are unsound, unfunny, uninteresting, shallow, boring bitches.

Iā€™m not homophobic but Iā€™ve absolutely hated almost every gay man Iā€™ve ever met.[/QUOTE]

thinly veiled ā€œIā€™ve had no luck with irishmen or womenā€:smiley:

[quote=ā€œThrawneenā€]I think the majority of women (in this country at least) are unsound, unfunny, uninteresting, shallow, boring bitches.

I think parents should be allowed to slap their children. And possibly teachers too.

Iā€™m not homophobic but Iā€™ve absolutely hated almost every gay man Iā€™ve ever met.[/QUOTE]

parents should slap teachers?


I belive sterilisation should be forced upon long term dole spongers.

If thereā€™s a good enough reason then Iā€™d have to say yes.

spot on

as for slaps being dished out, the country has gone to the dogs with the demise of corporal punishment

I think teachers should be able to slap parents

i believe that RTE, the media in general, and the government have an a agenda against Waterford and its citizens

waterford is a hamlet


as for slaps being dished out, the country has gone to the dogs with the demise of corporal punishment[/QUOTE]

Agreed. No fucking manners to be found anywhere.

better than some of the muck iā€™ve had to listen to here latelyā€¦
i thought from reading some of the content here that you were a more learned character than thatā€¦can you expand on that claim that Waterford is a hamlet??

[quote=ā€œCian Foleyā€]better than some of the muck iā€™ve had to listen to here latelyā€¦
i thought from reading some of the content here that you were a more learned character than thatā€¦[/QUOTE]

A romance is blossoming here, I think. Thatā€™s sweet.

[quote=ā€œCian Foleyā€]better than some of the muck iā€™ve had to listen to here latelyā€¦
i thought from reading some of the content here that you were a more learned character than thatā€¦can you expand on that claim that Waterford is a hamlet??[/QUOTE]

itā€™s a community is it not ?

I think compulsory national service should be brought back, might teach the young uns a bit of respect and discipline.

yep, instead of going to the dole office on their 18th, straight up to the barracks with them

Sorry, in, brought in, not brought back