A thread to post controversial opinions

good stuff from fc biggles :wink:


define your interpretation community?? as no doubt there is 10 smart asses ready to jump down my throat as soon as i reply.
Waterford is a city check the last census that was carried out in this state as i’m sure you have already done

Yeah, we go around looking at census figures all the time, not as if we have lives or anything

vote no to the lisbon treaty the next time around and the next time after that.
We’ll have the farmers on board this time around again and they are usually a good gauge when considering what direction a referendum will take

i’d say you’d get it hard to find where to look butty

Can someone translate the above please?

Would you ever come to your census

cian and art taking leave of their census in this thread

One census this thread is going downhill fast

The English are alright sorts.

They should never have made a sequel to Before Sunrise.

I continue to have a sneaking regard for the Third Reich on some levels. Mostly technological.

Christy Moore is a self-regarding clown. The quintessential juke box republican.

Whats controversial about that?

I believe people are posting controversial opinions on this thread to see how long it takes Art to agree with them.

Careful now, down with that sort of thing

I would be quite pleased if a Law were brought making it illegal to be a member of the travelling community. Or at worst, they just forced them all to move to Poland or Latvia, out of my sight basically.

Travellers are NOT an ethnic group.

I have to agree here with sledge on this.