A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

Do you not believe some of the others then?

I havenā€™t read all the thread, Iā€™m sure plenty are true :man_shrugging:


I advise everyone to throw abuse back

Iā€™m sure the video footage will circ

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I donā€™t think he believes me :man_shrugging:

Iā€™d say Art was/is a mighty sportsman :grin:

Probably cos youre normally full of BS.

Ive leinster JCT & SCT hockey medals. didnt play competitive football in school.


Okie doke, Iā€™m normally full of BS :grinning:

Hockey is a good one, I never met a male hockey player,
was your only contribution in the other thread to take the piss out of @Locke for being Protestant, now thatā€™s ironic :joy:


I think you should check up Anne Marie. A serial fantasist imho.

Hockey is a good sport. Maybe you should broaden your horizons

And i can take the piss out of @Locke because i went to a protestant school and played protestant sports, ive never hid that on here and it was a tongue in cheek dig. And lockey doesnt need you to fight his battles, then again, he has a sense of humour


Good luck to you :+1:

Youā€™re getting all pissy now after you bringing the post in here and saying Iā€™m always full of BS :joy:


Whos getting pissy?

I calmly explained things to you. You felt the need to sound the klaxon hoping to bring lockey in.

Maybe cool the jets with the superfluous emojis, they gove away your seethe

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I like emojis :man_shrugging:
I scored the goal boy, and you canā€™t take it away from me :joy:

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Well in that case, have an e~pat on the head. Youre a good boy, arent you

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Itā€™s grand, it was 32 years ago now. :man_shrugging:

But weā€™re only having this discussion because you took it to this thread, would you rather I hadnā€™t replied :grin:

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