What level of Football did you reach?

Ya easily my favourite time was playing national cup competitions underage. Pretty incredible a bunch of mullockers from the desmond league made it to an u15 national cup quarter final. Beaten 1-0 up in Cherry Orchard.

Beat Glenmuir from Dundalk on penalties in the previous round. Scored one of the best goal I ever got in the last few minutes of extra time to send the game to penalties.


We were knocked out of youths version of the Oscar Traynor in the quarter final, after a Kevin Doyle screamer saw Wexford beat us 1-0.

Mentioned it before on here and I think possibly another forumite was involved with Wexford?

I scored 19 goals in PE one time.


What year was that? I may have been warming the bench :popcorn:

National cup away days were unbelievable.

My favourites were when you’d travel for tournaments, so you might be away for 4 or 5 days while the tournament was run off. The crowley cup

There wouldnt be travel but the cup where american teams played in UL as well as teams from all over ireland. Class

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That goal I scored I can remember clearly 32 years later,
They played a vicious offside trap, I had the ball centrally 30 yards from goal, my centre forward was peeling off and the centre back put up the hand and they pushed up, I don’t know how I had the presence of mind but I pushed the ball between the two centre half’s and I had them beaten before they could turn, one on one with the keeper and I side footed it to my left, rolled in,
There was a stone dugout and our club secretary knocked himself out when he jumped up, I was swarmed by supporters, I’ll never forget a favourite uncle of mine (fanatical supporter of the club, my fathers family was steeped in it, had been founding members) had a rough beard and it left a rash on me, funny the things you remember,
Jesus what a night, and it was in the middle of my leaving cert


Googled it there and this was the team:

Wexford - Karl Smith, Philip Gleeson, Eoin Quigley, DannyO’Hart, Darren Stamp, Damien Cullen, Leighton Gleeson, Eric Bradley, ThomasHawkins, Kevin Doyle, John Fennell. Subs - John O’Leary (for Cullen), PatrickKeating (for O’Hart) and Liam REdmond (for Doyle)

Some team. Doyle wasn’t even the best of that 11 but had the right support network around him

I was through 1 v 1 early on and the keeper hauled me down outside the box. Ref only gave him a yellow.

@Bandage will be delighted to hear Burgers did that to you

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Some very good GAA players there. I heard Hawkins was incredibly skilled. Darren Stamp played longer than I realised. Thought he turned back from an Irish trial with Brian Kerr and more or less focused on hurling but this info wouldn’t match that.

One of the only goals i remember vividly was against Mary I in a colleges game for UL i think it was freshers. Noel OConnor was after binning me off from Limerick as a 17 year old. I was playing centre mid. I was after getting two quick goals in the first 20 minutes. About 30 in i picked the ball up from a throw in out on the right, beat 3 players and dinked the goalie. I fucking loved that goal. He was like a cunt on the line


Were you born in 1981? I remember playing against a Wexford youths team with some of those players on it. Eric Bradley was a very nice footballer (and GAA from what I remember). Mick Wallace was the manager

Fairly sure Ducker (Hawkins) spent time with Newcastle but struggled being away from home so young. Stamp, Cullen and Gleeson all had trials with clubs and would have been on Leinster squads I think.

It’s just like the Lisbon Lions.


No 82.
I had another year underage.
Was 3 years on that divisional team squad.


Did you play for the oscar traynor in town?

Great thread…just goes to show what is important to young fellas is the kick around…great memories even though we were togging out under a hazel bush, maybe a redundant arctic trailer if you were at one of the rich city clubs

We were shit at soccer but great craic heading off to away matches on the bus. Was only talking about it the other day…regularly enough wed be sent off on the bus with only the driver…no other adult with us :rofl:


That was a comparison we often heard :man_shrugging:

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No, only played in town for a couple of years after finishing with senior soccer.

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