A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

I’ll never forget the bravery you showed. Your children will thank you for your courage in years to come.

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It was the right thing to do pal

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Were the flowers responsibly grown and did cutting them have an ecological implication ??

Could the money spend on flowers been given to a homeless charity . ?

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She probably is, but she’s a doctor and doctors are generally intelligent and well versed individuals and need to be listened to.

You’re getting into politics now.

Yea, something like that.

Are you an Anthropologist?

well whats the science on risk of kids getting covid vs risk of kids developing mental health issues through isolation?

Even when virtue signalling?

You missed that didn’t you

Who says “you’ll never present MOTD” when you’re a kid.


Who says they want to present on MOTD when they are young?




Think of the opposite end of the spectrum to the border bull

Cc @Corksfinedtboy

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She’s raising quite rude children who point and shout at difference.


My ten year daughter loudly brought it to my attention in a petrol station queue recently that the two piebalds who were in the process of skipping the queue were wearing no masks.
The piebalds never batted an eyelid and were of course served before everyone else in the queue.
That really happened.


Ponies don’t need to wear masks

The two legged ones are supposed to though. This is why we need to prioritise them for vaccines.

Two legged ponies are being prioritised for vaccines?
Incredible, usually equine animals are executed if they have any sort of old sore leg at all