A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

She’s a thick arrogant cunt.

That’s a fair point

surely doctors should be led by science and see that kids mental health through isolation is more of a risk than covid

You think her child is having a mental breakdown? Interesting diagnosis

where did i say that?

do you have problems reading as you always seem to see something entirely different to the ords that i typed

Your response is about as sensible as her original post is the point

my responses were sensible. of course you would be utterly unfamiliar with that concept

Yes., very sensible. The child’s mental health is at grievous risk from the isolation of missing a birthday party.

Fooly is such an expert on children’s mental health he was able to diagnose it on the spot on the basis of a tweet from the child’s mother. Very impressive. Only on TFK would you get kind of top top expertise.


bankrupt of wit (and of ideas if you have to weigh in with raylan)

And take to twitter to tell us all … while it’s a fair point she discloses that her kid is still playing with friends and is no doubt in school… what you’re really saying is that sheep need another slightly more elevated sheep to lead the way.

The child could have gone to the party and had a good time and would have enjoyed being a kid for a few hours … and for a short while the world would be a brighter place, and who would have known? . But no, no we cant have that - glas and @Raylan want to sooth their lust for pain by denying the kid a few hours to be normal again. You social media whores sicken me - denying the child his youth just to sound off on Tweeters and instasnaps… you cunts are exactly what’s wrong with this country… you’re the social media equivalent of curtain twitchers… you’re stwitchers.


Nina is on the books of the preferred RTE personality agency.
Your last post is bunkum

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Nina and other’s of her ilk should be leading the charge here to do away with such nonsense - but as you’ve pointed out she’s protecting her brand and that’s her primary aim. The fact you’ve aligned yourself to her says a lot.

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Where did that happen? More bunkum

You disgust me … official Ireland hasnt changed a jot in 100 years. Before we sent our problems away behind big walls, silenced and to be forgotten about. Now we sack them and cancel them. This poor kid being denied a few hours of enjoyment is a symptom of a much wider disease… complicity. This woman who calls herself a mother is screaming from the rooftops to boost her standing in society - it’s me, me, me … this is what this country is and this is what this pandemic has been… we were told ‘we’re all in this together’ but we’re not even close to it. We’re being held hostage by a medical junta that’s aided by these cretins of self promotion and political cowardice and anyone who dares break ranks is shot - See Dr Feeley (sic). It’s the mindset of a shill nation, afraid to challenge the official narrative…We’ve had our suspicions in the past, but you’ve showed your true colours here.


More fantasy from the biggest scamp to walk the halls of Mary I

I’ve given you a like though

That like might just save you when the revolution takes place …

Your best firebrand days are behind you. We’ll be on the sidelines supporting our fanny-waxers :cry:

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I had a gang of vigilantes calling me a murderer on here last year because I left my kids play with the neighbours kids. Lot of lunatics around the place. Don’t forget that