A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

Didnā€™t know that rubby is still a thing.


This canā€™t be true, just because nobody who lives this sort of lifestyle would ever write into something as lame and shite and Dear Mary in the Indo for advice.

All heating themselves with natural gas

My wallletā€™s too small for my fifties and my diamond shoes are too tight.

Nope, we wear coats

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Iā€™d imagine nothing ever written in those columns happens

Manufactured by the environmentally friendly clothing industry?

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Thankfully Babette and Rex didnā€™t go out with them.

Wow, Lottie is a favourite target of the TFK misogyny crew,
You donā€™t like her so sheā€™s making it up, or you donā€™t believe it happens at all?

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You decide!

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No, Iā€™ve no reason to believe sheā€™s lying,
Youā€™ve put it here


You have to admire Lotties enthusiasm when reading out celebrity news on 2fm. Sheā€™s really into it.


OK, Iā€™m none the wiser as to your reasons for putting that here, struck me as a mean comment, no offence

Iā€™m sorry if you thought I was being mean.


No - the TFK anti nepotism crew were the people there

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Why would you apologise to me, I donā€™t give a fuck, you be what you want to be, own your misogyny

Grand so :+1::+1:

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