A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened


Can you change my username to Dr Fulvio?


I hasten to add that Iā€™m alright for a turkey but thanks for the offerā€¦.:wink:

I donā€™t think heā€™s from Cork, nor does he work in Cork,

The action of an absolute wanker.

Heā€™s not very good at it either.

The young fella could have used all the available letters to say FFS Buck.

Iā€™d ate that

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Elf on the shelf. More of the same bollox.
Everyone look at the funny stuff I made the elf do.


Kids arenā€™t that fucking stupid. They know itā€™s a cod fairly lively and start to wonder what else is a cod.


And for the holy trinity of Christmas shithouse wankhammery - the matching pyjamas for all the family ā€¦

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It doesnā€™t matter a fuck who is and who isnā€™t vaccinated. The virus will pass along which or whether.



Normally figure it out around 7 years of age but say nothing as they want to maximise their presents.

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Wtf :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Heā€™s not wrong. Itā€™s an ever-changing world. In another decade or so the age will have dropped further.

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Its a pity in a way.

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Thereā€™s not one 7 year old in the country who doesnā€™t believe in Santa Claus boxty. Itā€™s as simple as that. Id even say 9 but 7 is a total joke

Thereā€™d be some crack in me rocking up to my parents home with a letter for Santa looking for a Model X Plaid

Kids nowadays are well fit to play the game too. Of course I agree with TMI itā€™s sad but thatā€™s the nature of it. Itā€™s best to hang in anyway and reap the reward.
Lookat yerā€™ man that must have given 10 years togging for Dublin and played 25 minutes of championship football and has 6/7 Celtic crosses. He knew it was a cod but he kept believing.