A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

The lad writing the tweet (or it might be the other bandit) used to piss in a bottle in his room as a teenager, then throw the piss out the window. Some of their tiles turned green.

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The skinny fella is gone from it now I think. Its just blindboy

‘A fellow child’
written by a total prick

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Ah yeah, the Bandits are no longer a going concern

Chrome doing very well himself, making prosthetics and props for film and TV

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I read that. Any idea what willie o dj is up to?

Webb? Not sure if he’s still in with the CWB crowd of promoters/ rogues.

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Not the first time BB has appeared on this tread

No surprise.
He is very unpopular here,

How many TNHs can you squeeze into one Insta post.


It must have been late of a Friday at the Gaeilge Factory when they hit the word “moose”


He’s a particularly horrible bastard that lad.

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The comments…

10% of sales, not all the profits raise. Using the charity basically.

Like raising money “for charity” to pay for your trip to Kilimanjaro.


Henning Wehn did an excellent skit about that. Said he was raising money to go to Rip Janeiro to watch the World Cup, for charity

While not huge, if his markup is only 50%, 10% of sales might actually be reasonable chunk of what his gross.orofit would be Well, reasonable if he fucking sells any that is, can’t see too many rushing out!

He saw a horrible incident at the dog pound last week which inspired him to launch a clothing range, which he has now designed, manufactured and launched, within a week.


Bit of background here, it was obvious for a long time that he’d only gotten the dog for clickbait.

It just happened to coincide also with a lot of bad publicity he’s been receiving.

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If you are leveraging a charity for sales, all profits should go to them imo. Unless you were giving like 5c on a cup of coffee or something where it’s entirely transparent what’s happening. Bit of tax relief on it as well