A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

it happens regularly

Spoken like a fella who has regularly flown around the world creating climate chaos.

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Of course it does, but it makes joyless hungover cunts like @mac feel superior to scoff on here that X, Y or Z thing didn’t happen (yes, they’re really overdoing it at this stage) so you have to let them enjoy themselves too.

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If you actually want the dog to open it themselves just put a layer of rashers and sausages underneath the wrapping paper.

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Said like a true Instagrammer.

Crying crocodile tears.

It looks like I triggered a whole bunch of lads here.

Happy Christmas fuckers

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A job well done

Louise is a good old sort. Seen her pictured in Croke Park recently after meeting the great and good there. Wants to assist the GAA in any way she can so therefore i believe her.

This geezer

Not what you’d consider standard fare for a site named that

Like yer man in Umbrella Academy

Who’s the celeb, is it Ginger Spice?

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I think so, not sure.

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Says professor bollox and he disappearing through the hedge like Homer Simpson.

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Heard him speel on about this at a literacy talk in UL few years back. He’s overall memory of the concert was the smell of piss after all the teenage girls wet themselves when the fab 4 came out on stage. Streams of piss flowed down the slopes of the concert hall

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Was there a raffle which was won by the organisers?