A thread to post stories or things that you believe never happened

You’d be back there tonight if you were allowed.

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Build on a flood plain. The mother told me it flooded every winter pure celtic tiger con job those house were built

Can you imagine your average junior hurler facing into marking that lad?

I’d batter the fuck out of him and I’d get away with it because it’s junior.


Fellas who ask that question havent ever played proper Junior Hurling.


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Yeah you’re right it didnt happen it was a dream

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I even doubt the dream happened

Not much point having a plastic bag over your head and an opening for the mouth and nose blindboy

Sure all the concerts are cancelled

Is @mac actually claiming that he’s doing trail running?

Welcome to last September

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The photo of the mast in the mist makes me want to believe.


That’s good running. Great to get out and blow the cobwebs off after the excesses of the last few weeks.

Got out for a 5km myself this morning, me and the 15 kilos of Quality Street I recently became acquainted with. Managed to get the two of us around in 24:38 (cc @Bandage), which has put me in a great frame of mind for the day.


I’m going for a Vertical challenge for January. Aiming for 2000m elevation over the month if not higher. On 379 so far. Will hopefully get another climb in tomorrow and a bigger one at the weekend.

Be a different challenge to find a 5k route on the roads that has plenty of hills in it too


Hoping for similar. On 461m after one run.

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Yep, a stink of bullshit off it. You gat an email to click a link to book your shot. My wan said there was such an air of relief and happiness around the vaccination room. She could see the light at the end of the tunnel she said. They have been under such stress during this pandemic.