A United Ireland

Try that again mate.

Same could be said for both sides to an extent. I think they’ll fizzle out, as they would not have an apartheid to sustain them like the Catholic minority did, and the British army would no longer be there to support, direct, pay and make them feel special. They would continue as a nasty street gang running protection rackets and drugs, and would gradually be whittled down over two or three generations of increasing surveillance.
This may be naive on my part I’ll admit, as I’m constantly taken aback by the sheer vitriol of the July 12 mob.
The PSNI would need to be rigidly secular, and unafraid of confrontation.
Enforced desegregation of schooling would be my priority.

For what dies the sons of Roisin?

Sid is right in that there will be one shot at getting this ‘right’ - or as close to that as possible. It wont be as simple as getting a , let’s say, 70% majority vote and then steam rolling ahead. That would not be the end of things as we know it but the beginning of a very long process -

I think the writing is on the wall for the north tho - everything bar a distorted sense of history points to a United Ireland making sense for everyone on this Island. But are we doing enough currently to help sooth this transition? Do we, in the South, want it to happen? What cross border institutions are there currently that promote harmony? How many kids from a Protestant background are spending time down south to see that southerners are human and do not eat their own… and I say kids because the scars of the past run deep the older people are — we should be promoting all kinds of cultural exchanges among young people, green and orange.

What are we doing at government level to start the process?? I see the UK have at least initiated something to get the ball running…

We will have to have a serious conversation about what concessions we are willing to make if we want to live in an all inclusive society also - It might even mean re-joining the commonwealth.

History is something none of us can get away from on this Island - the thing with history is you can distort it to suit your needs … but the one lesson we all need to keep in mind is how the abandonment of the nationalist community was one cause of the troubles … The unionist community dont have to have a backer or a cause to kick off if they feel they are being slowly eradicated - we have to learn to accept the Protestant community as equals if it is to work.

I’d love to start seeing some proper leadership on our side over the coming months and years - Leo leading an Orange march in the South :grinning: — But we need all institutions, political parties, sporting organizations to be more or less on the same page if it’s to work … working off the mantra of inclusion … I look forward to holidaying on July 12th and celebrating the cultural achievements the protestant community have given this Island.

Look at how TFK has treated protestants and unionists like @locke, @Tim_Riggins and @Matty_Hislop — If we can do it, the rest of society can as well.


People should appreciate the peace we have the moment. A United Ireland isn’t worth one more dead body. I notice a lot of the posters pushing for this are from limerick and the south in genera. Ask the people on the coal face and ask them what they went through 30 or 40 years. Be very careful what you wish for with regards the north.


I think i’m the only Limerick poster advocating a UI, the rest of the Limerick men are happy to have the British state involved in Irish matters.


The IRFU and the RNLI as all Ireland institutions will have a key role to play here.


If the troubles start up again which they most likely will it will be a disaster for the whole country. No good will come from it.

You are not, you are the the one who mentioned rejoining the commonwealth :rofl:

I said it would need to be considered – Anyway,i’m not sure you know how the common wealth works

You’re advocating walking away again … That’s what the south did once and look what happened - whether you like it or not, we have a responsibility to the north, and to all people living there — and if you read my post, that responsibility is to ensure that the mistakes of the past are not made again.

It wont be considered, i’m well aware.

We’d win a rake of medals at the special commonwealth games

You would top the table pal, you would get a special parade up Denmark street.

I’m retired.

No I’m advocating peace. How many times have you stayed up north in your life time? Have you actually experienced what went on up there or do you listen to the wolf tones after a few pints? Be very careful what you wish for.

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I’ve been to the north. I dont drink pints and I havent listened to the Wolfe Tones since I was 19 — your childish remarks betray your adolescence and that you are out of your depth here … doing nothing if an over whelming majority want a UI is not advocating peace - it’s burying your head in the sand, like generations of people down south have done to present day. Advocating peace would mean playing an active role in defusing tensions.

By letting people live in peace is not doing nothing. If you can’t understand this you’ve no chance. The people that have suffered for so many generations now have peace. That’s what they want. Peace. The longer peace continues the easier the situation becomes. Fellas like you that want to go poking a sleeping beast are delusional. Let people live in peace.


I’m not poking any bear ---- The British government has started planning for a UI. Economists have stated that an all Island economy would be the best thing for the island. Middle protestants are open to a UI and if Brexit happens, the number of middle protestants open to this will surge … failure to prepare for the inevitable will lead to far greater trouble - that’s the point.