A United Ireland

You make it sound so simple, the problem is your outlook is deeply simplistic

The creation of NI itself was thought of as a simple idea - a territory which would be easy to govern - a Protestant state for a Protestant people

Brexit was a simplistic idea

The simplistic views here among multiple posters as to how a united Ireland will come about are deeply naive and betray a fundamental misunderstanding of the question of PUL identity

Simple, simplistic ideas rarely if ever work out

Even in a hypothetical united Ireland, these problems do not simply disappear, they would endure and mutate

Growing up, I mainly watched UTV

The Troubles were an everyday occurrence which I remember intricately from 1987-1994 and then again until the late 90s when they finally ended with Omagh and the murder of Rosemary Nelson

It’s not simplistic.

The GFA was not simple. Post Brexit won’t be simplistic.

My argument is the loyalists following a vote for a United Ireland will have nothing to fight for. The brits will be gone, good luck.

To fight to get back into the UK would be like you flying back to Australia next week hoping your ex would take you back.

It would be over.

The unionist politicians would know it and so would the population.

We would be then discussing, a new bank holiday on the 12th July, an inclusive parade, a new flag, a new anthem, but those discussions are slowly happening anyway. Kites have been flown for them already.

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You assume that Unionists and Loyalists will allow a border poll to happen

You assume they will participate in it and not boycott it

These are particular possibilities if such a poll is mooted in the short term, ie. in the next five years

If in 30 to 40 years there has been a consistent clear majority in favour of a united Ireland over a multi-year timeframe, that may not happen, but we cannot tell that far ahead, and we cannot know if the above would not be possibilities

Repartition is not some abstract fantasy, it has been an idea right from the creation of NI and the existence of the boundary commission which was set up with the express purpose of repartition

There is a clear line there along which the PUL community are a clear majority - from the north coast at Portstewart down the Bann and across to Portadown, Banbridge and the Ards peninsula

The PUL community would see repartition as a major victory and if it’s the only thing they believe they can get to protect what they see as their existence as a people, it will grow as a demand

History is never inevitable

The DUP will have to fall in line like everyone else. The torys are sick of em

@anon98850436 You are living in the clouds if you think a united Ireland would have little or no backlash from the Loyalist element are you for fucking real?? They wont need support from the British government to carry out terrorist attacks for decades be it bombings, shootings, kidnappings these people have centuries of hate and violence bred into their very being. You have no idea of their mindset.

That’s a terrific post mate.

In the INTERNET age anybody so inclined can easily work out how to make a bomb

Delete that anarchists cookbook off your drive.

Back in the day the RA were Richardson’s Fertilisers number one customers

It was sort of ironic that they advertised heavily on UTV during the Troubles

Richardson’s that is, not the RA

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Gelignite was very popular back in the day, the IRA and ESB were neck and neck at one stage.

If you are willing to carry out those acts you must have a goal. You also need support.

Getting back into the UK following a vote for a UI is not going to happen, sure Arlene said she would move rather than live in a UI.

The loyalists were puppets for the Brit army.

What’s the goal? Where is the support?

If unionist politicians toe the line, the community will.

The war is over.

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That is a frightening insight by any stretch, pure fantasist stuff.

Jamie Bryson will lead the people to a new beginning. He’s the Saviour.

I suggest a few lads to take a trip up north and see the dividend communitys.

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Exactly. Throw me a huge grant and you’ll get no bother out of me

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Bradley. Brady is the bird that runs West Ham for the porn kings.

I hope she’s better at running a football club than she was at running things here…

Karren Brady would have made a better fist of it in fairness.

ok, twice now i have mentioned that pod. this chump is posting tripe that is directly at odds with what the expert is saying in that pod. Can people please refrain from posting on this thread until they listen?

is that too much to ask