A United Ireland

@Sidney isn’t voting in Westminster elections

Why did you feel the need to ask the exact same question that you already got an answer to?

So why is he going to stop voting for them down south now? Because of a policy in Westminster? This just makes no sense at all.

You’re contradicting yourself now

With respect you’re contradicting yourself. Why did you vote SF when you knew all along that this was their policy?

I don’t vote but SF would certainly lose any remaining goodwill or support of the nationalist community if they took seats in Westminster. They are voted in on a mandate of abstentionism.

youd be as well to take mark twains advice now

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Who else are they going to vote for?

I think it’s time you went back to Italy

A party that will take their seats if that is what they want. But the mandate is the will of their voters, that’s how mandates work.

You’ve literally completely contradicted yourself

A few minutes ago you were saying that I shouldn’t have voted for SF in the Republic if I knew they were abstentionist in Westminster

Then you said that their Westminster abstentionist policy should have no bearing on whether I vote for them in the Republic

Then you backtracked again

Anyway, all that is bullshit deflection away from the central point that you refuse to deal with - that the CNR community has no representation whatsoever from its elected representatives at a time of serious crisis for that community

And this is a very common gripe from people who voted SF in the North

Abstentionism is all well and good in normal pre-2016 circumstances, but Brexit has shown up its limitations woefully

A point of principle is no longer worth keeping when it’s that very point of principle that threatens to feed your community to the wolves

That’s the mandate the nationalist community vote them in on.

If I was up north I’d be strongly thinking of giving my vote to the SDLP next time depending on the constituency

If Mark Durkan and Claire Hanna were to take seats in Derry and Belfast, the CNR community might finally start to get some representation when they badly need it

It seems to me SF are much more concerned about the party and less about the community they represent

Sinn Fein are the biggest obstacle to a united Ireland.

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How do you think The Stoops got their name?

Slurp, slurp.

Margaret Ritchie off to the House of Lords. Slurp, slurp.

I presume you think SF’s TDs are “stoops” then

The SDLP were willing to effectively destroy the electoral prospects of their own party in order to get peace

You literally couldn’t get a bigger definition of real public service

SF are voted in on a mandate of abstentionism.

Stoops are voted in on a mandate of spineless quisling behaviour.

You get your opinions from the newsletter?

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I think we need to sit down and shut up while the experts on the PUL and CNR communities lecture us.


The article is very confusing. Basically this guy was a nutjob who cut off his own Mickey and left a fortune to SF because he was persecuted in England. He had no allegiance to SF but drew up a will in the presence of 2 ex IRA treasurers and a solicitor. I’m not sure what people expect Michelle O Neill to do here. The man was obviously insane but was deemed corpus mentis when the will was executed (unfortunate choice of words) 20 years previous. Maybe some would prefer if they gave back the monies and they were distributed equally to the poppy fund or the charity set up to pay legal fees for soldier F.