A United Ireland

Anything is possible with the right dividend

You think it wouldn’t happen?

Nobody thinks it will happen

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It’ll be fine. They’re buying off the loyalists as we speak

That’s very naive thinking.

It’s already happened in Dublin and Monaghan at the height of it. Could easily happen again.

Don’t tell me the free state have a coherent narrative regarding the Dublin and Monaghan bombings.what motivation would the British establishment have in bombing Ireland now?

The Provo’s bombed Dublin and Monaghan according to junior minister Patrick O Donovan. I’ve no reason to disbelieve him

So Unionism/Loyalism has a veto on political progress via a threat of violence?

Same position as Conor Cruise O’Brien, in fairness.

But good to know you are an apologist in advance for terrorism, same as CCO’B, Eoghan Harris, Fintan O’Toole and all the rest of the Stickie/Revisionist crew.


Bring on a United Ireland.


Fintan Tool
cc @balbec

Ireland needs to win the cultural war first for the ‘Denazification’ of Ulster, the World must see the Unionists as a deeply evil people, akin to the Afrikaner during Apartheid

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As a good orange freemason pal said to me, “put the cash before the sash”


He’s gone gags the ex udr cunt


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Hong Kong style is the only viable option for now

Does that mean we batter the unionists and put them in a sweet and sour sauce?

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Boris has pulled his pants down for Europe.


The UUP seemed to have much more involvement in the UDR.

DUP chaps were more about spreading a rhetoric of hate than getting their hands dirty.

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