A United Ireland

She wouldn’t have someone call him out on it

John Bruton can FOAD.


Bruton is giving a Tour de France

Five people on and not one of them pro unity. RTÉ love their balanced debate


An interesting concept this, a bit like the royal rumble so many heads only one can win. Mary Lou miles clear of the rest so far

I’m worried about her, she doesn’t look in good health

Bruton.and Campbell know the game is up

Real half hearted

Claire Byrne is an embarrassment. Rushing to the defence of Gregory Campbell when his racism, homophobia and mockery of the Irish language and Gaelic sports is a matter of public record. I know the latter particularly disgusted you in the past.



Get off the stage John ffs.

Trims seems a top bloke alright.

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Its gas how unionist are treated with the utmost respect across all RTE platforms and basically given carte blanch to say whatever they want, in some weird attempt at showing how tolerant we are.

But republican contributers are always ridiculed and grilled by the presenters.


Claire letting Bruton blather on about sf without them in room but cutting joe off


Mary Lou Leo and Trims the winners here

John rambling on way too long

That’s part of the RTE agenda.

Bruton is becoming ever more agitated and demented here. A loyalist headbanger. He’s like Jamie Bryson’s Grandad.


I nominated her for COTY last year and I formally do so again for 2021


Joe would have picked him apart had he managed to stay in the room where it happens

They haven’t been tonight anyway

Does Bruton even know where he is?