A United Ireland

Joe is some eejit these days. Bruton is another tremendous wum

Andrew is out way past his bedtime

Is Joe completely kicked off the show???

She has let everyone talk that didnā€™t resort to name calling

Claire wearing glassesā€¦ :heart_eyes:

Naomi Long looks like a vicar

Joe needed to bide his time. He didnā€™t need to go ballistic from the opening salvo. He would have had a lot to contribute here but itā€™s not worth a damn if heā€™s not in the room where it happens.

Clare leave the glasses on or off.

Jamie Bryson as a fucking guest and given a platform. Christ almighty collect 12 crisp packets and become an RTE Researcher.


Let the people sing their stories and their songsā€¦

Last week Gregory said there was too many black people in a choir show on BBC

He gets respect but Joe doesnā€™t?


Yer one Niamh from Tyrone though :ok_hand:

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He wouldnā€™t have gotten away with that with Claire

Sheā€™s looking fierce well lately. Lockdown suits her.


This wan would make a killing at the factory

That was on the BBC mate. I donā€™t think Claire works for them

Andrew is a lovely guy.


Did John Bruton have a stroke @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy ?

They suit her tbf.

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Heā€™s too perfect for this awful world