A United Ireland

He’s like yourself. A student of history.

That’s where the similarities start and end.

Cork has also embraced both of you to its bosom.

Two proud langers

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They despise me in Cork because I sing anti British songs regularly.

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@Thomas_Brady will be tossing and turning in the bed tonight

I might hit him up for some of that half a billion north/south fund tho.

John Bull slashed his military in half today. It’s now or never

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Thought MM spoke well there.

You’re a gas Cunt

You’ll say just about anything to keep the Queen in this land.

Huh? An all Island solution to Ireland would be great. Works fine for the Gaa, hockey, cricket, rugby, boxing…


it doesnt work fne for GGA

I don’t think the northern ones will add much

Bit harsh on Joe there. Claire is a wagon.


Why was Gerry Adams not invited on?

It would have looked silly if both Mary Lou and Gerry were on.
That said both the Taoiseach and the Tanaiste were there but they are well versed in looking silly

Only northern nationalist cut off after 1 min