A United Ireland

The harp was always a symbol for Irelandā€¦ Iā€™ll take that as the new flag. Anything but Irelandā€™s call for the anthem.

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There it is you delusionalist northern nationalists. The free staters, treacherous bastards that theyā€™ve always been, donā€™t want fuck all to do with you.

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It wasnā€™t even that. It was the way she snarled at him. She was afraid of her shit of what he might say.


Hector and Tommy had a great idea for the new anthem there a few weeks back on the podcast.

Heā€™s for Leo and nothing else,ego is frightening between him and that dithering bastard MM and the green machine theyā€™re destroying our country

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Only Leo and Mary Lou can deliver a United Ireland

Leo can work on the republicans while heā€™s inside in Portlaoise prison

I doubt heā€™ll be in Portlaoise Prison, surely be in the Midlands Prison?

No need for the homophobia


Box office

This is stating the bloody obvious but Christ Almighty the DUP are some shower of cunts.

The border poll must happen. It is a clause in the Good Friday Agreement. An Agreement that brought peace to this island for the first time in decades, even centuries. A clause which finally gives Nationalists in the six counties some semblance of belonging. And voted for by the people of this island.

Gregory Campbell can laugh and be aggressive as much as he wants but he doesnā€™t hold the power any more. We are done trying to keep the likes of him happy. Also, despite John Brutalā€™s protestations, we donā€™t care if loyalists threaten violence, we will plough ahead anyway. We as a nation are done with being intimidated yet again by these people. Itā€™s an awful pity that Brutal didnā€™t always take such a liberal attitude to the threats of violence from so called terrorist organisations.


This is the crux of it really. I think a lot of people, both sides of the border will care if it means a return to violence.

A border poll rushed through in the next 2 years vs a border poll in 10 to 15 years with demographics changing even more and more time to debate the logistics of it, and benefits and disadvantages?

The DUP are an anachronism and are headed for irrelevancy once the Union breaks up and the Toryā€™s sell them down the river.

The reverence they are treated to by RTE is dumbfounding. Campbell allowed free reign to sneer and laugh away last night in a manner which would be afforded to very few. They can continue to put their fingers in their ears and say it will never happen but it is utterly inevitable it is just a matter of when.


RTE are cunts


Iā€™d imagine they just wouldnā€™t go on unless they were treated with that deference by RTE. Itā€™s a bit like how you always make a special effort to make visitors feel at home

Now in fairness theyā€™d be no loss if they didnā€™t go on but Iā€™d say thatā€™s RTEā€™s point of view

This will do Joeā€™s runs for President no harm at all


For what died the sons of Roisin?

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I agree. Itā€™s like we donā€™t want to piss them off or something. I am no fan of Brolly but at least he took them on.

It doesnā€™t matter how long you wait, there will be a small section of loyalists threatening violence whenever a UI is discussed. What is encouraging is that when fairly sinister posters were put up where I live a couple of weeks back they were taken down within 1 day by the PSNI, and iv not heard anyone in the town disagree with that. It makes the decision of RTE to give airtime to someone like Jamie Bryson all the more bewildering.


The poll must happen. How the vote goes is another thing.

I do agree that it shouldnā€™t be rushed. Look what happened with Brexit.

But Campbell last night was saying that the poll should never happen.