A United Ireland

Sheā€™ll have gone home delighted with herself last night, how she put that chippy upstart in his place.

And more than likely got the thumbs up from her producer going out the door.

You think back to the likes of John Bowman and Questions and Answers and contrast it to the likes of RTEā€™s current tabloid output, as encapsulated by the likes of Claire Byrne.


Lotā€™s of ā€œIā€™m alright Jacksā€ down south.


Whoā€™s the Brunette that filled in for her before, Sarah I thinkā€¦ Given time I think sheā€™d do a much better job than Byrne. Claire has school teacher written all over her.

And that for me is as much an obstacle as Unionismā€¦

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Wimmin. A tan pal of mine admitted that he used to enjoy womanā€™s hour on bbc r4, until it started to last the entire day.


A lot of people wondering if it is worth the hassle

Do you think people will come out from under the bed to vote? I doubt it. Bridie has never been further north than Athlone.

Would many other countries have that attitude to reunification do you think? What is it about the irish that they have no pride in themselves?

Apathy could be a huge issue. I know a lot of people who actively dislike NI (for various reasons) but thereā€™s a lot now who just dont give a shit enough to either vote, or vote in favour of something thatā€™ll inevitably cost a lot of money. And thatā€™s before you consider all of the compromises we will have to make (flags, anthems etc) or any potential resistance from the Unionist community

You could make a similar argument about the Scots voting against independence or the Aussies voting against being a republic.

When peace and relative prosperity has been achieved, people become more conservative and pragmatic.

Sheā€™s far more attractive too.

They miss the two lads with the sticks in Dublin Castle

ODC,s will work on his nether regions

Mary wonā€™t as she wonā€™t last the course

As Leo said, there are 1 million Brits living on this island. But that means that there are 5 million Irish and majority rules. Brolly was right, the Toryā€™s donā€™t give a shit about the Unionists so they might pull the trigger at some stage. Think the British Labour Party would look at a vote too.


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Brolly will be seething at being sent home with his tae in a mug by a second female presenter on RTƉ.

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Iā€™d say Byrne was picturing Brolly being drunk and oogling over women in the night club/bar footage that was going around a couple of years ago. First chance she got to shut him up she gave it both barrels at him.


The cheeky chappy person has morphed into chippy chappy.

Iā€™m still not fully convinced that the Clare Byrne show is not an elaborate spoof show

Clare presenting a show from her garden shed

Clare sitting in her car to get a Covid test

Pat Falvey explaining that if you are outdoors and itā€™s cold put a hat one

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