A United Ireland

The last thing claire needs on a discussion programme is someone articulate, opinionated and controversial

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And the giant plastic bubbles

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Claire speaks for the average Josephine/Joe.

Nasty post.

Havenā€™t read much on this thread and only saw a bit of the debate last night. Turned it off when Claire Byrne said her piece to camera about Brolly before the ad break.

I was thinking about what % of people on this side of the border would vote in favour of unification. Iā€™d imagine it would be incredibly high. There would be some who would vote against (perhaps because of fear of conflict) and others that might vote against on economic grounds (for example, 1st/ 2nd generation Irish people whose heritage might be in central/Eastern Europe or Africa will be wondering what this will do regards increases in taxation. They may not have the inherent need for a united Ireland that many of us have, and thatā€™s understandable).

North of the border, aside from those who are strong Unionists/Loyalists, there might be others who are wary of a return to conflict. Others could be worried about the shitshow that is the HSE.

Of what I saw, Ferriter spoke some sense. Brolly put on his usual show, but I donā€™t think it was fair that he was cut off so abruptly (I didnā€™t see the Campbell segment thankfully, but he is a bigot and a cunt). Bruton, who I know is not liked around here, was also talking some sense until he started going for some political point-scoring (going on about ads in American papers, etc.)

FWIW, I believe (and hope) we will have a united Ireland (or whatever way you want to phrase it) in my lifetime. I think itā€™ll happen with a decade or two, but Iā€™d agree with you that this is a process that could take a bit of time.


The Scots? :grinning:

Be interesting to see what way things pan out with Scotland and Brexit. If Scotland vote for independence and Brexit turns out to be a shit show then the prospect of remaining in the United Kingdom of England Wales and Northern Ireland might be less appealing for moderate Unionists. If Brexit does deliver the sunny uplands (and the vaccine rollout turns out to be a good indicator) then itā€™s a different story.

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I canā€™t stand Brolly but he was treated shabbily last night. He correctly mentioned homophobia and racism with the DUP and he was taken off air. Heā€™s completely right to call the bastards out for what they are. It seemed that Byrne got a word in her ear to pull him. Outrageous really.

Jamie Bryson was on before that saying he wouldnā€™t be surprised if the loyalists took up arms and seemed to justify it. Let him speak away,

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There are an awful lot of scenarios that will have huge bearing on a UI -

Before Brexit and the Irish economy starting to roar around 2015 the idea of a UI was fanciful . I seem to remember a poll where even among the broader CNR population there was a big percentage content with the status quo .

Another scenario is there could very well be a SF led government in the free state . How that pans out could also influence things hugely .

The EU will also have a rocky few years ahead and this will be fascinating to watch .

A car Bomb or two in Dublin before a referendum would cost the Yes vote a couple of percentage points alright.

Johnny Arse scared the fook of RTE :laughing::laughing: @Tank

Brexit definitely moved dial towards a UI. The Unionists campaigning for Brexit was particularly stupid.

I donā€™t think so . Things like that can strengthen resolve .

Luckily for SF the bar has been set very low by FFG.

So - donā€™t have a poll?

I tuned in just as Bryson came on. He seemed to be fairly unchallenged.

Things can always get worse . I think your crew will probably want one of them to prop it up rather than left wing parties if truth is told

Not saying donā€™t have a poll but people need to go into this with their eyes open and thereā€™s a lot of hatred apparent on this - they hate us, we hate them. Bombs going off on Dublin streets will make a lot of people think twice.

The only question is do loyalists have the capacity and capability to mount a terrorist campaign. Would they have the appetite to do it or would a wall of EU and US money buy them off.

Brutain wants a united Ireland. United under Westminster.