A United Ireland

The likes of Martin McGuinness and Gusty Spence are a great loss at times like this. People with enough clout and respect within their individual organisations to cause a shift in mentality.

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Unionists parties will merge.
FFG - SF and SDLP will form two parties between them.
Soc Dems, PBP, Alliance and Labour to merge.

A few head banger small parties to emerge also.

David Irvine too… He really saw the woods from the trees for a finish.

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Fingal, Nogra, Klare, Rest of Ireland??

Once we unify north and south all our combined attention can turn to Tipperary. It might be a battle for the next generation but I think it’s time we tear down the walls and bring Tipp in from the cold.

Are we going to unify north and south riding?

She’s an awful fuckin pain in the arse that wan

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Let’s just sort the north and south of Ireland for now… The Tipp issue can wait.

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If we can’t defeat those inbred cunts up north we may leave it so.

Looking back on the replay of last night I think the lovely Claire Byrne escalated that situation with Brolly unnecessarily. He made his point and was about to move on to ramble on about something else in true Brolly style but she seemed intent on making a big song and dance about it. And then when he tried to make his point that it was all on the public record she shut him down altogether. Which is easy to do when you can just cut his audio.

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That was the easy part, figuring out what Gerry is waffling on about is a bit more challenging.

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Just on the wireless now on sports bulletin that the Open Championship likely held in 2025 at Royal Portrush

I didn’t see the programme but it’s a topic that interests me so would like to add my tuppence worth. There is often a hierarchy with the way some people from the south regard those from the north (and to a lesser extent those of Irish ancestry and those who emigrated). The talk about people in the south having to give up flags and songs grates with me as those songs and flags are pretty meaningless in a partitioned island anyway. I would like to see a shared Ireland/island created where identities were respected and nuances were not ridiculed. At the moment I feel too often those in the south feel that they are the abriters as to what constitutes Irishness/Ireland. There can be a sneering disregard for those from the north in Irish media, in Irish sport and on this forum. It shouldn’t be about north joining the south but about building a new Ireland. A tangential point but if Ireland is to remain partitioned I think the name of the Irish state should change to better reflect the other strands of Irish identity beyond the 26 counties.


Excellent point.


Interesting read, appreciate the insight. To understand better, can you expand or give examples on this highlighted part for me? Not something I fully.understand or realise tbh.

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Not to burst your bubble Ray but you are a big fan of the 26 county football team. You may have explained your thinking on this to me previously but could you explain it again please?

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It’s a 32 county representative.


I would have thought that it would be Republicans in the North giving up those songs and flags as much as those in the South if they were to go?

I do agree it shouldn’t be seen as an important thing in the discussion