A United Ireland


Bruton has more backbone than Martin.


Maybe we could make a new hybrid language out of Irish and Ulster Scots and make it compulsory in schools.

If someone from Dublin, or Cork or Limerick or anywhere in the 26 Counties held similarly bigoted, homophobic and xenophobic opinions as Gregory Campbell or others in the DUP, would they be given a platform on a prime time current affairs show? No chance. RTE pander to these headbangers too much and are afraid to offend them.


We’ll never convince hard line loyalists, that’s my point. There’s a good number of more moderate unionists emerging each year, that’s who you are trying to get on board. Not working class loyalists, they’re a different animal.


I work with a fair number of them. The idea of living in a UI doesn’t necessarily perturb them. They’d get on with it. The idea of living in a UI governed solely by SF does.

What would a UI government look like and would you need some regional or devolved power to Belfast ?

Did he not start of by saying a united Ireland now would make no difference to his life? Maybe I am misremembering.

Mary Lou can fuck off… @Elvis_Brandenberg_Kr said it, go federal. 4 states with one federal government. As it was in the beginning and as it ever shall be.

Whether we like it or not the DUP have a mandate and can’t simply be ignored .

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all gga clubs named after slavers or terrorists to be shut

To be renamed.

Inviting Prince Charles over to Dublin and eulogising over him and the Royal Family while at an extremely delicate position in the Peace Process is pretty shocking.

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Nor should they be ignored.

But they should be subject to the same rules as everyone else.

The next assembly election are going to be extremely interesting. The demographics are constantly shifting toward the nationalist side.

And there have been noticeable shifts in recent years with another 5 years only likely to further add to that.


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A small minority for sure…

He did. But it would have been nice to have him there to counteract what came afterwards.

A United Ireland will make rubby even more unbearable. Signing OUT

I drank champagne with Joe Brolly in the Golden Miller bar one time, I can confirm he would make a great President. Signing IN

Anyone know what Campbell was waffling on about when he said Gerry Adams was selling Easter Eggs on behalf of Sinn Fein?

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Ultimately most people just want a better future for their kids. Any solution has to include the Unionists to be a genuine attempt at a United Ireland. I’d like to think it’s possible but we’ll need a leader to emerge from the shite we have now.

I know Trimble - he’s quite representative of that demographic who stayed in NI as they saw a future there post Troubles. Before that they all left as soon as they could.