A United Ireland

I no longer exist in that world
 Self promotion and belief that my work is actually important to the world is something I don’t possess. There are some great academics but the bullshit involved in academia is painful
 But no different to any sphere really I suppose. To me, it should give back to the general public far more than it does. All that knowledge, money invested and potential locked away in ivory towers.

I ended up working with adults and students from certain economic backgrounds for a finish and loved it but that’s for another day.

What this thread brought home over the last few days is I’ve completely stopped reading history 
 getting the PhD over the line took a lot out of me and I haven’t been able to go back to it meaningfully yet. I think it’s time.


And you’re just casually throwing this onto the forum now after all these years? Were you part of his cover? They’d never suspect him living with a Fenian bastard.

We used go to old firm games, him to one end, me to the other, meet up after, stick the jerseys in the pockets, and go getting obliterated round the gallowgate. He’d happily drink in Baird’s, hoops and the like, but he’d never go near a rangers bar. Said it was too dangerous. He reckoned if you got fingered as a rangers supporter in a Celtic bar, you’d be treated with a fair degree of good nature. Vice versa, and you’d be lucky to get out in one piece. This was around the time of Mark Scott. I’m not sure has it changed much. Probably not.

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I love Edinburgh and Glasgow – but you need a good guide to where you are going

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There are some talented people but sycophany and predictability are the main requirements in Irish Humanities academe and beyond. And I am not speaking out of bitterness: just out of observation.

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Worth a read and half relevant. Some truth in it.

the Irish state have done that since inception

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SF transgressions are far more recent and the reluctance of its supporters to criticise it over this is very strange.

The Provos were recently vilified down south when they acted on information of abuse by one of their members, held a kangaroo court and found him guilty and offered to execute him for the victim.

Meanwhile down south they cover it up and keep them in their positions of power. FG ministers of health allegedly actively lobbied for child abuse victims to be kept in the care of their abusive foster parents.

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How’s that case going anway?

Waiting for Noonan to pass away first of all?

That was completely wrong. I’d not defend it.

Why do you feel need to defend SF and their cover up of sexual abuse

Adams knew what was happening but the brand and institution came first.

I’m not defending them. I think they have dealt with sex abuse far better than the Free State ever did.

eh, what has happened Noonan since the Grace affair?

Using government office to facilitate child sex abuse = Ok for blueshirts

Kangaroo court to convict sex offenders = not OK for blueshirts

You seem intent to do a one eyed commentary on this.

I would say SF have far less wrongdoing on their hands regarding sexual abuse than FFG.

The IRA convicted her abuser and offered to execute him. She was told by Gerry Adams to go to the police. She did not.

So in this case, you are blaming the IRA for acting as strongly as they could have on this matter.

You’re still blanking the Grace case. Why are the govt waiting for Noonan to die before investigating this? Govt officials using their office to potentially facilitate abuse is the biggest scandal in the state’s history and not a word on it.

SF are big trans supporters.