A United Ireland

Youā€™re some joker. You think Sinn Fein and the IRA were responsible for more paedophilia that the Catholic church?

They both reacted to allegations in the same way. Protect the institution at all costs.

Go away to fuck. Hereā€™s what you said ā€¦

you made an idiotic allegation and youā€™re trying to row back on it by changing the argument. Iā€™m done with you. Why I bothered engaging with a blueshirt ā€¦ I should have known better ā€¦ itā€™s the old saying ā€¦ ā€œNever argue with a fool; heā€™ll drag you down to his level and beat you with experienceā€

Are you saying Sinn Fein IRA engaged inan acceptable level of sexual abuse and cover ups?

It was systemic and went to the top.

Why the fuck would you feel the need to defend that? Itā€™s cultish. And cuntish.

TBH the cynical use of child abuse allegations against SF to try and discredit the entire story of nationalist struggle in the North, used by people who clearly donā€™t give a fuck about child abuse and are themselves responsible for far more widespread abuses, is absolutely sickening and I wouldnā€™t respect anybody who doesnā€™t object to it. Those people cynically manipulating the situation are FF, FG and the wider establishment forces of the State and media, not you. Even my aul boy, who hates SF, has no time for it.


Why are allegations of wrongdoing against Sinn Fein always portrayed by Sinn Fein supporters as cynical ?

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Because of the people making them, whom are responsible for far worse abuses and clearly donā€™t give a fuck.


You donā€™t have to be a Sein Fein supporter to see the utter hypocrisy of anyone from Ireland pointing fingers on the issue of child abuse, given the stateā€™s horrendous history up to the very recent past on the issue. Frankly itā€™s a bit disgusting as anyone associated with the three main political parties in Ireland in the 20th century should hang their head in shame.


No organisation or individual should be exempt from criticism for covering up child abuse . There are no mitigating circumstances in any case .



Itā€™s a fair point. And one I donā€™t really know how to addressā€¦ What we seem to suffer from in large doses, or at least we used to suffer fromā€¦
The self loathing irish post colonialism.
The ingrained belief that protestants were superior, after all, they were major employers well into the 60s/70s and apparently have a better work ethic.
The psychology of ascribing irrationality to the feminine (Ireland) and rationality to the masculine (John Bull)

A lot of academics drown themselves in their own ego and itā€™s important that they distanced themselves from your average Irish peasantā€¦ Or sex driven Fenian.

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Not allowed as there was a military structure in place,and at the time a definite no no

No, the bastards just raped some of the men they abducted

Knew a volunteer in Derry on the run who returned to a party house and raped a prisoners wife (late 80s )but cos of bad PR etc it was covered up to a large extent,he was banned from Creggan got a hiding but that was it

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Really? I think youā€™ve issue bud,Iā€™m just stating facts

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To be fair I think they were INLA men

Not a hope,I know awful things were done but honestly never heard of anything like that,kincora yes etc etc

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There we agree 100%.

Anyway, good luck with it all. I do not envy anyone negotiating the minefield that is Irish history academe. A certain person was appointed recently to a top university simply on the basis of willingness to say Peter Hart was right even when Peter Hart was patently wrong.

I used to live with an ex undercover RUC man in Glasgow (I had no idea til we were coming in from the pub one night and there was a car with two lads in outside the flat, and he got very strange, and, well, everything got very strange, and later on he told me). The dirty orange bastard was also a hun. He remains one of my best friends. It was the loyalist paramilitaries he was afraid of.