A United Ireland

Why would unionists celebrate their country being partitioned and al the shit that inevitably arose as a result?

I don’t follow you here?

It is a ceremony to mark partition, which is a fact.

Michael D called have gone and made a speech and rounded the nationalist/Irish perspective in.

Instead the excuse is that a minor legal title wasn’t followed. Ffs, the so called middle growth nationalists in this part of the world do make me laugh.

Why would the President of this country “mark” the foundation of an objectionable little tin pot entity designed to create a Protestant State for a Protestant people, one that caused our state untold grief and cost for 50 years.


The establishment of Northern Ireland would have sufficed - barely.

But to use rhetoric around marking partition is highly inflammatory and deliberately so.

Je suis Michael D.


And then to round it off with a “minor little mistake” - the name of the country he is President of.

Because it is a fact of life, a reality, for better or for worse.

It really isn’t that difficult.

Genuinely, the absolute state of the middle ground nationalists here. You’ll all go to their graves hoping for a UI but still pissing and moaning about the slightest thing with Unionists. Michael D really “owned” the DUP last night by putting himself on the exact same level as them. :rofl:

Once again, John Bruton has called this spot on.

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“little tinpot failed political entity” a lá CJH

Marking partition will unite the country? :smiley:

The laughing with tears emoji. Wins an argument every time. Are you a teenager?


No it isn’t. It is marking a fact of life, partition.

You can have your opinion one way or the other, and Michael D could have made a speech to articulate the view of the Irish State on it. A majority view that is still enshrined in Article 3 of the Irish Constitution. We are back to caveman pre 1998 pretending on the border I see. I suppose it makes lads feel better, you wouldn’t want to be targeted by Irish Simpsons Fans for standing next to a Unionist.

By contradicting himself?

I am making an observation and laughing at the caveman, childish views on put forward. Getting in a tizzy about a religious service which was solely intended to mark partition. Ffs, grow up. :rofl:

What I find objectionable to it is that it really should have been marked in 2020, the real 100th anniversary.

The unionists have refused to engage with any north/south bodies…With any All Ireland think tanks and border poll discussions. They’re answer is ‘get fucked’ … But Mickey D sees through and declines their very political invitation and all of a sudden inclusion is very important to the unionts like @Tim_Riggins . You can’t have it both ways Timmy. We either all engage or no one does…

Anyway, we don’t need to facilitate these creationist backward bigoted batards. We’re out breeding them and they’re rotting away from the inside out.

We’ll have our day and we won’t have to bow down to horrible cunts line Donaldson and co to have it.


Oh the ironing…

Caveman, childish, emoji yadda yadda.

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@Tim_Riggins has to work for RTE… We must facilitate unionists at all costs.

In fairness Dr Gavin Jennings (who has worked in Belfast to be fair to him) had a right owl swipe at Jeffrey Donaldson this morning.

You are delighted that the Irish President puts himself on a level with the DUP. Hilarious. :grin: Anyone who is anti reunification is delighted with Michael D Higgins here, what a man.