A United Ireland

Imagine not knowing the name of your own country

I didn’t express any emotion at all. Just pointing out your hypocrisy. It’s a two way street my unionist friend.

And he was dead right, 1916 was not the founding event of the Irish nation. Nothing wrong with holding an opinion, Michael D Higgins would be more than entitled to articulate the Irish States ultimate anti partition view too. :grinning:

The irony of both stances is probably way above your head.

1916 commemoration - Bruton outraged it’s going ahead
Partition commemoration - Bruton outraged it’s been snubbed by Higgins

What hypocrisy? I think Unionists should be going to North South events. I don’t like that we have a President who puts himself on the same level as the cavemen in the DUP.

It’s a real shame that John Bruton didn’t run for President, you can see in this interview here what a real Statesman he was.

It is in its hole.

This is the DUP, the most horrible shower of bastards even to set foot on this island.

John Bruton made a factual observation that is isn’t the birthdate of the Irish State. Aren’t you of the opinion that the place you call home is the Free State as well?

And Michael D and the likes of you are on their level.

He contradicted himself. He’s on the same hymn sheet as the DUP caveman, as are you.

You’re the one supporting them!!

I think Michael D Higgins should have gone to an event to mark the foundation of the Northern Irish State and partition, yes.

I also think the DUP should be fully engaged with North South bodies.

I am aligned with the centre, mature view of our relationship. Far too many are at the extreme end, sadly.

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This was a clear case of disrespect being shown by the senders of this invitation. Why should the President belittle Irish people North and South by accepting it?

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It is perfectly understandable that an invite from Northern Ireland would call him that. It is not a reason not to attend, it is childish.

Why don’t the Junior Cert history lot on here not boycott international soccer because FIFA calls the country the wrong name?

MDH has put himself and the office of President at the same level of the DUP, that’s unfortunate but there we are.

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Fuck me. If you really believe that then you must be an awful cunt.


I don’t go to soccer internationals because the FAI refuse to use the correct name of the State.

The service doesn’t lend itself to peace nor reconciliation. So I’m not sure Michael D has any business there.

It’s not perfectly understandable. It was calculated… Your knickers are rightly in a twist here and your hatred is bubbling above the surface.

It marks the foundation of Northern Ireland, it should be marked. Hopefully the Irish government steps up and sends someone but it just won’t be the same, sadly.

You’re very naive. Or stupid.

It is perfectly understandable. It is a service to mark partition, we wouldn’t want to confuse things. I have no issue with Unionists referring to him as President of the Republic of Ireland and for describing the State.