A United Ireland

Anyway, Big Phil Hogan was houndedout for less, that little twerp should fulfil his presidential obligations

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A unification referendum will bring out the west brit crew for us all to see. I can assume there are well known folk in ireland who will get coty nominations on the back of it, as they were previously seen as alright sorts.

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We already knew fintan was a west brit

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Could be worse. We could have to read a column by Eoghan Harris or a column by Kevin Myers on John Bruton’s greatness.

Small mercies.

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Has it subtitles

Apart from the mic not picking up one of the men a couple of times there was nothing incomprehensible there. You might need subtitles nowadays more. It’s funny how the Belfast accent has changed so much. It was quite a soft accent then. Now it’s much harsher.

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This is a good essay by Brian Feeney.


Michael D saw this coming 10 miles away
 As would anyone with an ounce of cop on and intelligence.

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The people of Pakistan haven’t accepted the partition of Jammu/Kashmir. The people of the 26 counties did so overwhelmingly in 1998. Conveniently ignored by all in Oirish media circles

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And? Where is it stipulated in the Good Friday Agreement that our head of state has to celebrate the partition of Ireland and the rotten, sectarian ethos on which NI was built, and which is still perpetuated by the current largest party in NI? And indeed by Unionism as whole.

Australia Day is on January 26th. Why should Indigenous Australians be forced to celebrate that? Given that having Australia Day on January 26th is a celebration of the raising of the Union flag and the colonisation of Australia by Britain, after which Indigenous Australians suffered centuries of dehumanisation, rape, pillage and murder?

Australia Day is another rotten “celebration”.

You know you can recognise the existence of a state or a polity but refuse to celebrate its rotten history, right?

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What is more the “republican party” , who drafted Articles 2 & 3 in the constitution that was ratified by the people of Eire ,negotiated the GFA

Also the republican party that was the political front of an army that fought to end partition now administer partition

Paddy then makes a big deal then about a service on a COI church that will reflect on a period of partition


The people of Ireland also voted for the North to have a border poll on Irish Reunification included, which unionist ulster will never ever agree to, as it would be carried in the morning.

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Indeed . They also knew the granting of said border poll was a matter for the British Secretary for NI

When he or she felt the time was right no less.

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Indeed -

I can recognise NI but I don’t need to commemorate or celebrate it.

Well said by Andrew Trimble, Sinn FĂ©in are an impediment to a United Ireland.

He has concerns about the impact of Sinn FĂ©in’s campaign for a Border poll. “In 10, 15, 20 years, if this does happen, I think it would bring a lot more people on board if Sinn FĂ©in weren’t driving it. I think that is challenging for many unionists.”

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He’s incorrect. SF aren’t driving it. The likes of Gerry Carlile and Professor Colin Harvey are driving it.

Maybe he should ask why unionists are refusing to say whether they will take the position of Deputy First Minister if Michelle O’Neill is elected First Minister.

If they don’t take up the position and the executive can’t be formed, it might be Boris who confirms a border pole to satisfy unionists that there won’t be a united Ireland in the short term. But once he sets a date the genie is out of the bottle


Irrelevant to a UI but typical deflection from a Shinner apologist.

There is no reason for the current incarnation of “Sinn FĂ©in” to exist these days except for two reasons. Getting pensions for their failed terrorists who got tired of looking over their shoulder and to try and get themselves in southern history textbooks at the same level of the men and women of 1916.

They aren’t going to get a UI and then getting a semblance of power in the south will damage that cause further.