A United Ireland

Anyone who states there is no God is an atheist mate. Or I suppose it could be an idiot that doesn’t know what an atheist is.

The reality here is Paddy accepted partition overwhelmingly in 1998 by removing the territorial claim over the 6 counties in a referendum. It’s unseemly for the head of state to now not rise above pettiness and do his duty. It’s also typical of the Oirish media not to call him out on this.

90% plus here backed the referendum- the head of state is out of line unless Mick voted for the craic at the time which is highly possible too


The boardwalk, I was there many moons ago. It wasn’t too bad then. Is it gone more commercial?

You can’t socially distance with a belly like that


Monterey a nice spot. We drove from Orange County to San Fran. Hit a fucking storm the morning we left Monterey. An iconic drive.

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Unsurprisingly, you didn’t understand what I posted. The lack of basic comprehension skill is possibly what leads to delusory beliefs on your part.

It’s grand during the day can get a bit dodgy at night.

You literally posted “there is no God”. Have you changed your mind already?

Pacific storms can be epic as long as you’re not driving

I was unfortunately. A fucking Mustang. Cars were veering off the road. The whole of Carmel-by-the-Sea was closed for day due to electricity outages. We were lucky though. Apparently a truck got stuck on the bay bridge for hours the same evening.

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It’s quite appropriate for our head of state not to take part in a contemporary celebration of systematic sectarian and ethno-nationalist oppression.

The mooted RIC commemoration had a good deal of merit by comparison. That conflict is long over and a serious argument can easily be made that it was a gesture worth making to promote conciliation.

Whereas the NI 100 “celebration” is an attempt to whitewash a rotten history to serve a current day British ethno-nationalist narrative in NI. It’s like Trump nodding to the KKK and the Confederates. It is a celebration of oppression. Nobody in the CNR community and certainly nobody in high office in this state should have anything to do with it.


This was the day

That kinds of nails it . Simples .

As my mother used to say he’s got very strong🤣


There’s a guy called @yilahull who liked this message from Geoff. Who the fuck is he?

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He called O’Dalaigh a thundering bollocks.

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Followed by an effin’ disgrace. The officer’s mess in Columb barracks never got over it.

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One of the Brutons

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Fucking hell

A savage endorsement of socialism

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