Abortion Referendum Thread

It unsettles me. The heroes of the troubles who put their lives on the line for their people are being phased out by career politicians. Whatever about the O6, the state of the party in the 26 would not settle well with traditional voters.

Gay rights and other nonsenses should take a major backseat to the main issue of continued partition.

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These Johnny come latelys seem to have very little interest in blowing much loved children into kingdom come either

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They should put up pictures of the baby as it is being born too, sure it’s lovely and wonderful with all the blood and shite and placenta and that going on, and a baby covered in that white vernix crap in a colour of purple. Truly beautiful stuff that should be put on posters.


Or the pictures of dead mothers who couldn’t be saved because of the 8th.

You won’t see any pictures of babies on the No posters. Probably because they don’t believe in their right to enter the world.

How many mothers die a year due to child birth?

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i suppose that and the 500,000* men who we’ll need to imprison for rape based on whattsapp messages they have sent about women will make for a busy time at the prison service

*i rounded that figure up
*contributers to the lovely ladies thread could be facing life at this rate

no that should be put on a durex box


Why on earth would you want to imprison 500,000 men for rape based on WhatsApp messages?

ask the crowd who were protesting in cork/dublin/galway, etc w.r.t. the PJ/SO verdict

But they don’t want to do that, mate.

You do.

So there’s no point in asking them, and every point in asking you.

i most certainly do not, they’re innocent men and have committed no crime

You just proposed it.

You’re the only person to have proposed such.

You can already access abortion in this country if you can afford the flight, so in reality all this is doing is giving poor people access to abortions. Think of the welfare savings. Vote yes for fewer poor people

Surely the anti-abortion crowd should be calling for a ban on cheap flights in that case?

Has the cost been discussed at all? @Tassotti what’s the going rate for an abortion over on the mainland? Do women travelling over from here have to pay or does the NHS cover them?

So if abortion comes in are we getting rid of Mickey money?

how would I know

I don’t know how else you could interpret the 13th and 14th amendments.

A woman was awarded 30k by a court in Ireland for the inconvenience of having to travel to terminate a pregnancy.

How many Irish women have been prosecuted for terminating a pregnancy?

Who is Mickey?