Abortion Referendum Thread

There’s as much bullying in SF as there is in your own party or any other party and what little disagreements there were, have been dealt with. In fact, one of the main things stressed to me when I joined was the structures in place to express any concerns and that any concerns or observations about the party or anything I dont agree with are more than welcome.

As for you other horseshit … So all young people are pro abortion and the older lot are against? :rollseyes: - The stance has the ability to lose as much support as it gains - At least we are taking a stance.

ill be keeping it concise and simple for them.

“you murdered Jean McConville and orphaned 7 small childeren. Go away from my door you murdering bastards”



Can a 9 week old foetus kick and yawn?

Hi m8.

You said “abortion is murder”.

Between 1980 and 2016, 170,000 Irish women had abortions abroad.

If you believe if abortion is murder, do you think these women should be in prison for murder?

i dont really care either way about this one to be honest
what is annoying me tho is the absolute Nazi behaviour of some alledged Yes campaigners who are taking offense at No posters
Look if you are offended by the reality of abortion then you should 100% vote against it, if the idea of whipping a Foetus out of a womb at 9 weeks disgusts you and you dont like the pictorial reality of it then you should be voting no,
have we gone extreme snowflake here?
" i want to vote for alleged choices but im offended when you point out reality of what im voting for?"
fucking hell

all that aside - ill prob vote no


Hadn’t really paid attention to the posters until today but driving through SCD earlier and the No posters are definitely stronger if one is influenced by that sort of thing. The Yes ones weren’t great.

Do you think children should be exposed to these images?

i think they probably should, yes
it is their parents job to explain the rights and wrongs of it to them…

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at 4 years of age? :joy:

yes actually i do
its a coversation all parents need to be able to have with their kids
and ill tell you this much, it ll make you think twice as to how you’ll vote - but sher isnt that the point

either way, reality is reality, the reality of abortion is simple, this is offensive to people who are voting yes im hearing
its like nazi germany, posters up accusing jews of all sorts and they needed to be removed but the reality was buchenwald, anyway not sure how that would have looked on a telegraph pole
Nazism lads, the pursuit of the liberals

its fascinating to watch abortionists express outrage at what childeren get exposed to on posters when these are the same childeren they want the right to deny life to


I’m all for conversation and education but let’s make it age appropriate at least. Most people can handle the posters but putting them up outside primary schools serves no purpose at all…you have screaming head bangers on both sides tbf.

if its the right thing to do then it should be easy to explain it to your childeren.

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I don’t seem to recall the indignation when pictures of drowned children were on news outlets having suffered their fate on the Mediterranean, particularly the picture of Alan Kurdi? Admittedly the images were not on posters but they were freely available and on every news bulletin. As I say, abortion is a messy business. People need to see the end result.

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it is also fascinating and disgusting to hear the “unwanted pregnancy” line
so your bird gets pregnant - the initial reaction is oh fuck but ye get on with it
do Yes campaigners call this an unwanted pregnancy?, when this kid is born do they still see it that way? an unwanted child?

and all about the kids with disabilities, do they look at special needs kids and think they could or in there minds should have been aborted?

i guess these questions are offensive tho


I havent really given out about the posters - my mind is made up and I pay them no heed. I’m just relaying what some of the feeling has been on the door steps. Why should parents be forced to explain abortion to a 5 year old on someone elses’ terms and not on their own time/ terms ?

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You’re being consistent.

Do you think that the morning after pill is murder too?
Also, how can you support allowing women to go to England to murder babies and what would you like to do about it?

No voters, what are your plans for putting the over 170,000 “murdering” Irish women in prison?

Can you flesh this out, please?

He proposes medical examinations be carried out on women against their will to determine if they’ve had abortions … or at least one of his previous incarnations did.