Abortion Referendum Thread

A woman needs to be pregnant to murder her unborn child.

It is wrong though.

I donā€™t.

Mate, you know by now that youā€™re dealing with an idiot, do you expect more than a deflection here?

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I donā€™t think thatā€™s true.

Iā€™m partial to wearing a toga the odd time, by the way.

Iā€™m Italian.

Assuming sheā€™s pregnant then, do you think itā€™s murder?

You do mate. Your views on this topic and indeed all moral issues are defined by growing up in an environment of religious nutters.

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Thereā€™s no way of telling. Itā€™s wrong though.

Explains a lot

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Lads, chill with the attacks on @Cicero_Dandi, i dont agree with everything he believes, but the mob mentality doesnā€™t achieve anything.

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And your views support the murder of babies and denying the right to live.

Youā€™re the one who thinks the alternative view is spread by nutters. That says it all.

The effect that partition and being treated as second class citizens in their own country has had on the moral character of the Tyrone men has been horrific. You abuse innocent people for generations and this is what you end up with. In a Tyrone history right and wrong was perverted into just another stick to hammer the general population with.

Iā€™ve met other Tyrone men more or less the same. Balanced personalities, chips on both shoulders.

Youā€™d fear for the Palestinians. Supposedly theyā€™ve developed a ridiculously stubborn character too.

Christ on a bike, how long after the act is she pregnant? :joy:

Impossible to tell. Have you produced an instant pregnancy test?

Holy God knows mate, I thought a religious nutter like you would realise that

Well if you havenā€™t a clue it makes your previous comment look idiotic. Nothing new there.

You should try doing yoga in a toga, mate, it gives you a wonderful sense of freedom.

They donā€™t, as abortion is legal.

As I said, the only people who believe abortion is murder are religious nutters. It is well established that people who are fervently religious and believe what otherā€™s tell them to believe on moral issues, based on fairy tales written thousands of years ago by stoned sheepherders, are delusional.

He has no credibility on anything. Heā€™s just a lonely, bitter loser.

Thatā€™s about the only one. Classic Tackies in retrospect.

The only person who believe abortion is not murder are amoral bloodthirsty lunatics.