Abortion - Yay or Nay? Labane and Sid talk American politics, Codegreen ponders on the cost

All the choices stated above are available in Ireland, pal.

Do you think women and girls should be endangered by travelling to other countries or procuring pills for self administration? Even if you disagree with abortion, only a fool would deny itā€™s a reality (170k Irish women up to the end of last year have traveled, and thatā€™s only the ones who gave Irish addresses), so why pronounce the anguish?

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Again, arenā€™t you the great man to decide what choices women should have.
Pro-choice, by definition, means a woman gets to choose as regards her reproductive decisions.
It doesnā€™t mean God bothering men get to choose for them.

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@Locke is sorry for the day he read and copied that harmless little piece of poor comedy

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That is some pathetic shit right there. Trying to paint all women who have abortions as loose and bereft of morals! Thatā€™s incredibly small minded given that a large number of abortions transpire as a result of some horrible acts and some very tough situations, to dismiss all women who have abortions as morally corrupt is straight out of sadistic play book of control that Christianity has used for eons.

Secondly, even in instances where women have not been careful, do you think you can seriously reduce it to a set of conscious decisions like that portrays? If so, would it not be fair to also put up the same thought frame of the man that impregnated her? He chose to have sex without protection and didnā€™t insist on going to the docs the next day or for the three day window he hadā€¦ But most adults will know that even in instances where itā€™s a one night stand, people can very careful and shit can happenā€¦ your insistence that itā€™s an almost pre thoughtout plan of a loose women is something an adolescent or a hate filled bigot would come out with.

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Heā€™s already dead, youā€™re piling on.

Heā€™s lucky Iā€™m only on my phone

Why donā€™t they increase it to post natal? Some women have kids and realize they arenā€™t able to take care of them. And their bodies are ruined by motherhood, why shouldnā€™t they be allowed take care of their own bodily integrity and knock them off up to the age of six or so

Great post.

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About as strange an argument as Iā€™ve seen on here, which is saying something.


Yeah, thatā€™s a plan. Keep the child till itā€™s 2 and fuck it out on the street if you donā€™t want it after 2 years. No babies will have been killed and everyone will be happy.

Youā€™re pro murder innocent infant life. Pity for you.

Why are you against women having that choice?

Because thatā€™s called murder mate.


Ah thatā€™s lovely. A Nice Post would really send a few lads demented around here.

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Are you attempting to argue abortion is murder mate?
Please go ahead and make that argument from a legal basis and not a religious basis.

Why is adoption of Irish babies so uncommon these days?

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Quote from labane earlier :
ā€˜Again, arenā€™t you the great man to decide what choices women should have.
Pro-choice, by definition, means a woman gets to choose as regards her reproductive decisions.
It doesnā€™t mean God bothering men get to choose for themā€™ .

I call bullshit on that view labane. If you take that view then men should have no business voting on an abortion referendum, as itā€™s women who have abortions and itā€™s only their reproductive organs that are affected

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