Abortion - Yay or Nay? Labane and Sid talk American politics, Codegreen ponders on the cost

I’m 52 boss. I do my own thing

Ultimately if the Republicans succeed in bringing in a nationwide ban on abortion the likes of New York, Massachusetts, Illinois and California will secede from the Union. We’ll see how the likes of Oklahoma and West Virginia get on without their funding. I’d also expect an exodus of bright young women and as a consequence bright young men from States that ban abortion. They’ll become even more backward and as a consequence even more reliant on Federal funding which of course is driven by taxes from Californians and New Yorkers.

It’s frightening to see a Western liberal democracy (albeit an oddball one) regress like this. You’d worry where all this will end.


If the US starts breaking up, it is both the end of the west, and will be a betrayal of all the decent people living in every state, and their right not to have to live under a nihilistic theocracy.

This is the culmination of 50 years of the crazies organising, but they are very far from finished yet.

It’s also the culmination of 50 years of Democratic impotence, idiotic attempts to compromise, and refusal to take the threat of the crazies seriously.

The platform adopted by Texas Republicans is just a taster of what’s to come. It will get even more extreme than that.

The almost perfect overlap with the ideology which has Russia in its grip is terrifying, and the next time there’s a Republican president, which will probably be after the 2024 election, the US will effectively become a full blown ally of Russia.

Texas Republicans met over the weekend and adopted a platform that would make Lincoln gasp and Sam Houston scream. It’s a backward-looking agenda of prim moralizing, anti-individualism and blindness to truth.

The platform calls for repeal of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which scrapped literacy tests and poll taxes in order to finally grant the full right to vote to Black Americans.

It is obsessed with Texans’ sexual lives, practices and knowledge. It declares homosexuality “an abnormal lifestyle choice” and denies marriage to people if they are not of opposite sexes. It demands an end to teaching “sex education, sexual health, or sexual choice or identity in any public school in any grade whatsoever.” It seeks strict limits on sexual healthcare services, including “counseling, referrals, and distribution of condoms and contraception through public schools.”

It insists that Donald Trump was the real winner of the 2020 election.

It calls for a secession referendum for Texas voters in the 2023 general election.

America is real shithole when it all boils down to it.

An absolute basket case of a country. It’s gonna implode soon

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This is the crux of it. Large swathes of the country are an absolute hell scape with mass poverty, widescale drug abuse and very little hope. The politicians prey on this and look at people to blame rather than shining lights on the real issues. I think we’re witnessing the end of an empire over there.

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#Ican’tbreathe being replaced with #Ican’tbleed.

Civil war ahead.

And the side with the religious zealots is the one that is armed to the teeth

These hicks wankers don’t realise that they would starve without the taxes New Yorkers and Californians pay.Theres a reason people fly over these cunts from coast to coast.I feel sorry for the normal people stuck in these states.


The God botherers have way too much influence over there

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Some russian lad predicted the breakup of the US back in the 00’s,he even had a map drawn of it.

It cannot be emphasised enough that the anti-trans lobby will always side with the US far right crazies. They are just another branch of them.

Great post.

Thank you.

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The problem for democracts is centrists are moving towards the republican party. The Democrats abandonment of their constituency of ordinary working people out of fear of what twitter will say is coming to fruition. Hopefully moderate common sense republicans will be at the helm but that’s no guarantee either. Spending two years calling people deplorables because they didn’t agree with your every opinion and shrieking from mansions that those struggling to stay afloat were all privileged means people aren’t going to listen to those shriekers ever again.

But full term abortion is not a good idea anyway in my opinion. Each state can decide their own rules and course of action as it should be.


Have you ever been anywhere nice?


You got me

Edit; I stand over all those assertions

Have paid very little time on US matters this week but is the refusal to change gun laws not a more detrimental thing to US society, or am I being short sighted, as in one is controllable and one isn’t?

Both shit obviously.

All lives matter, guns matter more.

As Carlin says above.
Unborn childrens lives important. Born children better bring their own gun to school