About Ye

Are we the same person?

8k on the ring… (that included a long weekend in Antwerp)

Pretty much the same on all other costs as myself cm. The band came in a 2K alright but we gave 2k to the photographer, complete rip off but you couldn’t tell herself at the time.

I left the cesspit/farmyard/Ganders paddock/AFR back in 2007 and was in internet wilderness for a few years till I encountered these cunts.

What was your username again Clareman? Was it BOFH?

I didn’t want a video, she did, she won

I was bofh on AFR, I haven’t been on there in ages

Not interested.


Flano is soooooo 2009

Everyone FUCK OFF.


Everybody dance now…

€8k on an engagement ring, not a fucking chance. Some idiots taken for a serious ride here

€1k on invitations - that’s crazy money

Must have been

I spent less than €50 on invites I’d say (sorry Bandage, Farmer, Larry, Croppy, TASE if the quality was less than ye would have expected) and about €350 on the photographer. Ring cost fuck all too. Amazing how much you can spend though.

Thanks for the assistance with the kicker favicon though Clareman. I’ll never be able to thank you and CLD enough.

She wanted to get the invites and the flowers, so off she went, asked what they could do for a thousand euros and low and behold that’s how much they cost, amazing that. It wasn’t just invites though, it was the mass booklets and thank you cards as well (along with the stamps)

In 2007 I could have spent the 8K on BOI Shares… Or used as a deposit on house… Oh wait. :rolleyes:

The best thing about it was getting it valued for a flat fee in London afterwards and twice since and all 3 valuations are 2.5 times what we paid for it.

I wish all my investments were as lucrative.

We got engaged in 07 and married in 09, so thank fuck the boom years were taken with getting ready to be married rather than upgrading the house, saved a fortune in the long term

There’s no type of logic in that.

You’re not buying an engagement ring to sell it on again. Also mentioning potential disastrous investments, doesn’t do anything to promote the seemingly extravagant purchase of an engagement ring.

Fine if you wanted to spend that amount of money, that is up to you, but don’t try to make it look as if it was a shrewd business move.

Thanks Farmer… you see right through me.

Don’t try to tell people not to try to do something.

Don’t tell me what it’s all about, cos I’ve been there and I’m glad I’m out, out of those chains those chains that bind you, that’s why I’m here to remind you. Ooooooo oooooo ooooooo.

[quote=“ClarkeyCat, post: 596743”]
Don’t tell me what it’s all about, cos I’ve been there and I’m glad I’m out, out of those chains those chains that bind you, that’s why I’m here to remind you. Ooooooo oooooo ooooooo.
[/quote]8K on a ring? fucking pussywhipped idiot

I didn’t spend it so mind your fucking mouth. And your elbows you dirty cunt.