
Theyā€™re very similar. Loads of lads can take hard drugs and never get addicted. Itā€™s that void itā€™s filling in their mentality that lead them to addiction, at which point the physical addictivness does take over.


I donā€™t believe too many people can just take small bits of heroin here and there and be fine. Maybe Iā€™m naive to it.

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It very much is and I can attest from personal experience

It takes immense mental strength to overcome the physical and mental addiction

Which I currently do not have

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Or in denial.

No they arenā€™t. Thereā€™s additive substances in drugs designed for you to want more and more.

Gambling releases endorphins, which are addictive. People arenā€™t addicted to the physical act of gambling, they are addicted to the feeling they get from the risk.

Like adrenaline junkies


Iā€™m not an expert but people regularly use heroin and not get addicted?

Anybody who doesnā€™t have some kind of addiction is not to be trusted

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Iā€™m nearly 3 days inā€¦its not easy but Iā€™ve found it a lot easier than the last time I gave them up which was 13 years ago. Time goes faster now which is one positive plus smoking sheds etc at work are depressing nowadays craic wise.

That shouldnt make sense, unless youā€™re smoker tbf.

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Addiction isnā€™t about use or frequency. Itā€™s about compulsion. If the need to something outweighs your own personal care or care for others then itā€™s an addiction

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Its about the addiction to the high or feeling from it. A lad chasing his losses to get that elusive win is no different to the junkie trying to get his next bit of powder or drink to keep the good feeling in his body.


Good luck

One month was the longest I lasted

It was hell and I was a lot unhapppier by the end of it than I was at the start

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But thereā€™s a chemical aspect to drugs. It is designed to keep you coming back. Thatā€™s why Iā€™d say itā€™s different. Fellas are addicted to porn, masturbating every sort of thing. I donā€™t believe you can just pigeon them into one category.

Didnā€™t ye know lads, heroin is notoriously unaddictive.

I think some posters here need to devote themselves to God. There is a 12 step program that has been proven to work.


Same as gambling. Your body releases chemicals.

Drugs are just chemically mimicking the high your brain manufactures when gambling of having sex or whatever

Anybody with an addiction is mentally weak

Anybody who is not mentally weak in some way is not to be trusted

The human brain is not meant to be entirely rational

Weakness is inbuilt

In my view anybody who does not experience weakness of the mind and/or is entirely rational is probably a psychopath