Admin abusing their powers?

I have been banned from entering the thread I started with tips.

Extremely childish.

I can’t get in either.

Tee hee.

Welcome back Kev. I cannot get in either. What the masses want, the masses get!

Jesus I hope they don’t leave it too late. The first one is based on Eng-Aus and also Arsneal are involved in a cheeky triple.

Admins sort it out.

Are the bookies that powerful?

The error message would suggest that the Chinese might be behind it.


I bet CLD is behind this the devious prick.

Eh… Why not just use this thread?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1051258, member: 273”]Seeing as I can’t get anyone to face me up financially, I said i’d put this together for a bit of fun and show a few cunts up.

Mostly based on GAA, Rugby, Soccer & Boxing. We can keep a points tally as well.
I hope my detractors enjoy the few bits of ridicule this may allow them, but i’d be very confident based on my private past of being reasonably successful (I believe any profit is success as I view it as fun and not a way to make money). In time maybe people will follow. I obviously don’t expect anyone to follow now and certainly i’m not promising anyone anything. Gambling is a fools game and i’m a fool, but if you have some restraint and prioritize for some people it can be a bit of craic. I’ll stop and ban myself for a month if I go below 50 points.

This week.

Omagh at 3.0 to win by 1-3 points seems a good bet to me considering time of year, closeness of Ulster games etc. Two very tactical managers as well so it may become a low scoring tactical battle. 3 Points on that

The Nire @ 4.75 to win by 1-3. The odds on the The Nire across the markets are tempting, they are chock full of Inter County men, they have one of the better S&C/Coaches around over them and they have no fear of Stacks, who didn’t impress me that greatly against Ballincollig. I think Ballincolligs late reaction to the moving of Donaghy and silliness of long kick outs will have been noted by all managers. Stacks are rightfully favourites, but 1 point on this is worth it and decent value.

Australia @ 3.25 to win by 1-12 against England is also too good to pass up, and i’ll go with 3 points on this. England seem very confused about lineups etc whereas Australia will be growing into the Cheika approach. I expect it to be fairly high scoring as well. New half back and 10/12 partnerships take time at this level and I think England might fall behind in this one, but probably bring it back closer by the end.

And finally for a bit of fun a soccer treble of Swansea, Arsenal & Schalke pays 6.1. 2 Points on that

-9 points[/QUOTE]

There we go.


[QUOTE=“count of monte cristo, post: 1051292, member: 348”]There we go.

Same absolutely lunatic punting there.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1051276, member: 273”]I have been banned from entering the thread I started with tips.

Extremely childish.[/QUOTE]
Your conspiracy theory is very childish indeed. Do you really think I could be arsed banning you from a thread? I’ve no idea what’s wrong with that thread but I’ll delete it because it seems to be registering as a hack attempt for some reason. Start up another one or use this one.

It wasn’t anything to do with me, pals. Just back from a driving lesson. A bit jerky at junctions but otherwise solid progress.

Sounds like the bookies hacked it to shut it down to save themselves from ruination.

It can still be viewed via the App’s

Even in the darkest days of the farmyard Cahill never tried a stunt like this. Kev has ye all RATTLED. RATTLED I tells ye!


You can still post on it via the app too.
This Stasi-esque move by the powers that be has backfired badly.


[QUOTE=“fucked out, post: 1051303, member: 1495”]You can still post on it via the app too.
This Stasi-esque move by the powers that be has backfired badly.

Are you feeling ok?

Quelle surprise that myboyBAU comes in swinging for the bossman. More laoisnomark than limericknomad

What does any of that mean pal? BAU?

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1051276, member: 273”]I have been banned from entering the thread I started with tips.

Extremely childish.[/QUOTE]
The thread is working fine for myself, Manuel Zelaya, GV Wright and NJ Cat.