Advice Needed

You are friends with a lady.

You have been friends with said lady for a decent amount of time.

You would possibly like to be more than friends with this lady at this present time.

How does one go about removing ones self from the “friends” group and move into the “more than friends group”?

Serious contributions only please.

have you told your husband that you are a lesbian?

[quote=“tipptops*”]You are friends with a lady.

You have been friends with said lady for a decent amount of time.

You would possibly like to be more than friends with this lady at this present time.

How does one go about removing ones self from the “friends” group and move into the “more than friends group”?

Serious contributions only please.[/quote]

Drop the hand. Take it from there…

Alcohol is the key her TT. Make sure you’re around for her drunkest moments, and make sure you seem drunk enough to fall back on that as an excuse if things go wrong.

Ross, you’re mayor of the zone.

Wrong wrong wrong.

Honesty is the best policy. Just tell her you’d like to bring her out for dinner, most birds love confidence.

You could write it in a letter, babe. Or are you just waiting 'cos you heard that this feeling won’t last that long?

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Speaking from experience Rocko :thumbsup:



There’s no doubt that alcohol will play a big part in this. Kev’s honesty policy will have him wanking into his sister’s socks for the forseeable future.
My greatest tip would be to drop a few nice comments before the drunken moments. Things that make her think about you as a prospective jockey rather than stable boy. Compliments on looks followed by holding the eyes for a little longer than usual are good. A slightly risque comment but not filth works well. Also, a comment like 'You always look nice in… or I’ve always admired xyz… Hey presto you’re a thinking man and you’ve noticed her for a while. This way she won’t be overcome by emotional unsurity and will be ripe for the drunk moment.
Then plough away like a drunken farmer.

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[quote=“tipptops*”]You are friends with a lady.

You have been friends with said lady for a decent amount of time.

You would possibly like to be more than friends with this lady at this present time.

How does one go about removing ones self from the “friends” group and move into the “more than friends group”?

Serious contributions only please.[/quote]

Make sure you use the word suprise to cover yourself :thumbsup:

[quote=“tipptops*”]You are friends with a lady.

You have been friends with said lady for a decent amount of time.

You would possibly like to be more than friends with this lady at this present time.

How does one go about removing ones self from the “friends” group and move into the “more than friends group”?

Serious contributions only please.[/quote]

Stop being seen as a nice boy. I’d prefer to be seen as a cunt than nice.


It would have been a lot easier to try to be her lover, fuck it up, and become her friend. It is extremely difficult now to try to be her friend, and also let her know that I want to be her lover.

So it seems if there is any chance whatsoever that you could have a sexual/romantic relationship with a woman, and I mean any miniscule iota of a chance, you behave as if you want to be her lover. There are no friends in this game.

Juhy must have been reading my advice over the years or something because he has it spot on.

Couple of small sober compliments to sow the seed so to speak. Then just make sure you’re in her drunken vacinity as often as possible where you can be more brazen.

[quote=“tipptops*”]It would have been a lot easier to try to be her lover, fuck it up, and become her friend. It is extremely difficult now to try to be her friend, and also let her know that I want to be her lover.

So it seems if there is any chance whatsoever that you could have a sexual/romantic relationship with a woman, and I mean any miniscule iota of a chance, you behave as if you want to be her lover. There are no friends in this game.[/quote]

Tell her you’ve enough fucking friends* so now you want to fuck a friend
*she need not know how untrue this statement is[SIZE=“1”][/SIZE][/SIZE]

[quote=“Juhniallio”]There’s no doubt that alcohol will play a big part in this. Kev’s honesty policy will have him wanking into his sister’s socks for the forseeable future.
My greatest tip would be to drop a few nice comments before the drunken moments. Things that make her think about you as a prospective jockey rather than stable boy. Compliments on looks followed by holding the eyes for a little longer than usual are good. A slightly risque comment but not filth works well. Also, a comment like 'You always look nice in… or I’ve always admired xyz… Hey presto you’re a thinking man and you’ve noticed her for a while. This way she won’t be overcome by emotional unsurity and will be ripe for the drunk moment.
Then plough away like a drunken farmer.[/quote]

Superb advice here. I’m sure that’s close enough how I bagged the now Mrs. Locke come to think of it.
Talk about shoes to her. Let her know you’ve noticed her shoes and how nice they are. Women like the fact that you have attention to detail (and retail) and that you’re not just looking at her tits and ass. Of course you need to have quality shoes yourself and as I’ve stated here before, make sure your belt matches your shoes; chicks dig that shit! :thumbsup:

[quote=“tipptops*”]You are friends with a lady.

You have been friends with said lady for a decent amount of time.

You would possibly like to be more than friends with this lady at this present time.

How does one go about removing ones self from the “friends” group and move into the “more than friends group”?

Serious contributions only please.[/quote]

Barry’s Tea

The proof was on the telly that Barry’s tay can convert friends into a friends with benefits setup.

If yer not a tay man then suggest the flix.

Wise words from Rocko, it really is the tried and trusted in this case

Question for TT - how long is a ‘decent amount of time’?

If it is a long time then chances are she may never have thought of you in that way, or did initially but then decided to just be your friend, meaning that an attempt at wooing now may well fall flat.

If it is less than a year say then I would crank things up a notch, engage in a little flirting, and some general outlandish comments like ‘Jaysus you a showing a lot of tit today’. Go on like this for a while then BAAAAAAAMMMMMMM!! hit her* on one night out.

  • I mean kiss her but it’s up to you.

I have experience in this area but after the kiss things more or less stopped so its best to probably disregard everything I said.

can you use this as your signature?