Advice Needed

Anything more than a year and it you’re in the friend zone for ever TT.

Softly softly approach is probably the best, do what Juhy said. The drunken lunge is probably something that should only be used early in the friendship.

Then again I know nothing when it comes to girls.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Question for TT - how long is a ‘decent amount of time’?

If it is a long time then chances are she may never have thought of you in that way, or did initially but then decided to just be your friend, meaning that an attempt at wooing now may well fall flat.

If it is less than a year say then I would crank things up a notch, engage in a little flirting, and some general outlandish comments like ‘Jaysus you a showing a lot of tit today’. Go on like this for a while then BAAAAAAAMMMMMMM!! hit her* on one night out.

  • I mean kiss her but it’s up to you.

I have experience in this area but after the kiss things more or less stopped so its best to probably disregard everything I said.[/quote]

10 years plus Farmer.

I have come up with a plan that I am going to swing into action ASAP.

  1. Start nudging/arm punching/butt bumps when joking with her.

  2. Start sitting closer together in the pub.

  3. Put my arm around her neck while walking & talking. I’l do this only for like 10-15 seconds or so, MAX, then release her. I’l keep doing this until she responds in kind - then I’l move onto step 4.

  4. When we are walking with our arms around each other each other (above), I will let go and grab her hand. Then walk while holding hands for a few moments and then let go.

I am going to have to act like this is all happenning naturally. Timing is very important here and it is important that I release her before she has the option to push ME away.

  1. If I gEt away with holding hands, I am going to chance kissing her. But I won’t do this the first time I hold her hand.

  2. To kiss her: This will happen the 2nd time we hold hands (while walking&talking). I will stop walking and so will she. I will face her slowly and closely - Then lean in and kiss her.

This is my plan anyway.

Sounds like a lot of hard work there Tipptops, she worth it?

By the way, would you miss the friendship if it was gone?

Do you walk with her often, tipptops?

Tinnion, you’re so modest sometimes. By the way, you look very good in red and wear nice shoes most of the time.

[quote=“tipptops*”]10 years plus Farmer.

I have come up with a plan that I am going to swing into action ASAP.

  1. Start nudging/arm punching/butt bumps when joking with her.

  2. Start sitting closer together in the pub.

  3. Put my arm around her neck while walking & talking. I’l do this only for like 10-15 seconds or so, MAX, then release her. I’l keep doing this until she responds in kind - then I’l move onto step 4.

  4. When we are walking with our arms around each other each other (above), I will let go and grab her hand. Then walk while holding hands for a few moments and then let go.

I am going to have to act like this is all happenning naturally. Timing is very important here and it is important that I release her before she has the option to push ME away.

  1. If I gEt away with holding hands, I am going to chance kissing her. But I won’t do this the first time I hold her hand.

  2. To kiss her: This will happen the 2nd time we hold hands (while walking&talking). I will stop walking and so will she. I will face her slowly and closely - Then lean in and kiss her.

This is my plan anyway.[/quote]

Or you could just grow a pair

10 years as friends! She’s probably getting desperate now so and will take anything. You’ve bided your time well TT.

Best of luck TT

Seriously tipptops, we’ll only be able to offer valuable advice if you supply us with some details about the lady in question:

  • how old is she?
  • is she based in Dublin or do you only see her when you’re home?
  • is she seeing anyone at present or just finished with someone?
  • you know her 10 years but are you ‘close’ friends?
  • is she a confident, life of the party sort or a shy, classy type?
  • what does she do career wise?
  • how big are her tits?

[quote=“Bandage”]Seriously tipptops, we’ll only be able to offer valuable advice if you supply us with some details about the lady in question:

  • how old is she?
  • is she based in Dublin or do you only see her when you’re home?
  • is she seeing anyone at present or just finished with someone?
  • you know her 10 years but are you ‘close’ friends?
  • is she a confident, life of the party sort or a shy, classy type?
  • what does she do career wise?
  • how big are her tits?[/quote]

pic please as well

Laz knows the score. That good govt job and cottage industry will now come into their own TT.

[quote=“Bandage”]Seriously tipptops, we’ll only be able to offer valuable advice if you supply us with some details about the lady in question:


  • how old is she? 27/28

  • is she based in Dublin or do you only see her when you’re home?
    I met her in Flannerys on the Sat before the AI…She is just back from time in Oz and is looking for employment as an accountant but is unable to find work. So at present I’d only see her when I venture down to Tipperary but that could change at any time as she was in Dublin before she went to Oz.

  • is she seeing anyone at present or just finished with someone?
    Single - probably took a fair bit of pipe in Oz tho’

  • you know her 10 years but are you ‘close’ friends?
    I would talk to her any time I would see her but there would be no texting or that. I went to the Debs with one of her best friends, so I would kinda be in her social circle.

  • is she a confident, life of the party sort or a shy, classy type?
    Confidant enough I would say - A good laugh also.

  • what does she do career wise? Accountant.

  • how big are her tits? Below Average on the tits front. She has great legs and wears tights a lot, which I really like.

Right. This is a wind up.

I’ve called it.

Get the texting buzz going anwyay, that’s a must. Loads of fun too

[quote=“tipptops*”]- how old is she? 27/28

  • is she based in Dublin or do you only see her when you’re home?
    I met her in Flannerys on the Sat before the AI…She is just back from time in Oz and is looking for employment as an accountant but is unable to find work. So at present I’d only see her when I venture down to Tipperary but that could change at any time as she was in Dublin before she went to Oz.

  • is she seeing anyone at present or just finished with someone?
    Single - probably took a fair bit of pipe in Oz tho’

  • you know her 10 years but are you ‘close’ friends?
    I would talk to her any time I would see her but there would be no texting or that. I went to the Debs with one of her best friends, so I would kinda be in her social circle.

  • is she a confident, life of the party sort or a shy, classy type?
    Confidant enough I would say - A good laugh also.

  • what does she do career wise? Accountant.

  • how big are her tits? Below Average on the tits front. She has great legs and wears tights a lot, which I really like.[/quote]

a 28 year old flat chested Tipp slag, Tipptops you can do better than this.

[quote=“Juhniallio”]There’s no doubt that alcohol will play a big part in this. Kev’s honesty policy will have him wanking into his sister’s socks for the forseeable future.
My greatest tip would be to drop a few nice comments before the drunken moments. Things that make her think about you as a prospective jockey rather than stable boy. Compliments on looks followed by holding the eyes for a little longer than usual are good. A slightly risque comment but not filth works well. Also, a comment like 'You always look nice in… or I’ve always admired xyz… Hey presto you’re a thinking man and you’ve noticed her for a while. This way she won’t be overcome by emotional unsurity and will be ripe for the drunk moment.
Then plough away like a drunken farmer.[/quote]

You sad sad man.
Its worked for me in the past, but then i’m just a confident guy.

This thread is full of whats wrong with our country. drink to ask out a bird??? Drink will mean you could waste a good period of your life with a bird because you don’t really know who the fuck your going out with. FFS sake lads, grow a pair of balls. No wonder so many of ye are single.

Thank God :thumbsup:

Kev, you have to remember you’re a million times the man most of us are so you can carry these things off. Any chance you could give tipptops a few tips on asking her out upfront?

This should be amusing.

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]You sad sad man.
Its worked for me in the past, but then i’m just a confident guy.

This thread is full of whats wrong with our country. drink to ask out a bird??? Drink will mean you could waste a good period of your life with a bird because you don’t really know who the fuck your going out with. FFS sake lads, grow a pair of balls. No wonder so many of ye are single.[/quote]

Post of the day:D:pint:

[quote=“Bandage”]Kev, you have to remember you’re a million times the man most of us are so you can carry these things off. Any chance you could give tipptops a few tips on asking her out upfront?

This should be amusing.

Look, we’re all good at somethings, not others. your good at 5-a-side keeping, and i’m able to chat to a woman without drink. The poor relations alot of guys on here have with women shines through day after day, it only comes up here on threads like this.

  • I would suggest he gets her somewhere where they are comfortable, a normal meeting place or time. If this is the pub then make sure it is early, and maybe before everyone else arrives. Don’t want her uncomfortable before you start

  • I’d then say to her, “Look i’ve something to tell you thats been eating away at me for a while”. Tell you think there is something between ye in your eyes and you were wondering had she any similar thoughts. Tell her you’d like to bring her out to dinner and see that if the connection ye have is a friendly one, friends do go for dinner, or is there more.

  • At this point she may jump into your arms, she might smile and say ya, why not or she may say i’m sorry i don’t feel there is anything. If she does the latter then say, “Look thanks for listening, maybe i was a little off in my reading of the whole thing”. "Lets laugh st it and get pissed.

The drunken way will generally end up with you loosing the friendship. Now of course you may not give a fuck about that.

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Cheers Kev, have that advice printed up and might get it laminated onto a card. I’m sure tipptops will do likewise. :thumbsup:

Personally, I don’t mind talking to birds only for the fact they’re pretty boring generally. But those words seem a bit earnest and serious - ‘I can see it in your eyes’ etc. I’d firmly advocate the Rocko and Juhy advice, which has been endorsed by the likes of Locke and Sledge, in this instance.

I don’t think it’s necessary to almost make an appointment with a bird to ask her out. Just allow it to develop naturally when you’re out with chat, banter, witty comments etc and then pick the opportune time to make your move.

I think you’ve got an equally good chance of getting ball deep in her that way.