Advice Needed

[quote=“Bandage”]Cheers Kev, have that advice printed up and might get it laminated onto a card. I’m sure tipptops will do likewise. :thumbsup:

Personally, I don’t mind talking to birds only for the fact they’re pretty boring generally. But those words seem a bit earnest and serious - ‘I can see it in your eyes’ etc. I’d firmly advocate the Rocko and Juhy advice, which has been endorsed by the likes of Locke and Sledge, in this instance.

I don’t think it’s necessary to almost make an appointment with a bird to ask her out. Just allow it to develop naturally when you’re out with chat, banter, witty comments etc and then pick the opportune time to make your move.

I think you’ve got an equally good chance of getting ball deep in her that way.[/quote]

He’s known her 10 years, it will need something different.

Who said anything about making an appointment. I actuall stressed make it as comfortable as possible, as in a normal setting.

Your also looking for the support of others on this, so your clearly not that confident even in your own opinion.

But look, whatever works for ya, its clearly been working all your life, so keep at it.

[quote=“Bandage”]. Just allow it to develop naturally when you’re out with chat, banter, witty comments etc and then pick the opportune time to make your move.

I think you’ve got an equally good chance of getting ball deep in her that way.[/quote]

This is why you get balls deep so much is it?

Your way of doing it could cause great embarrassment for you and the bird.

But go at it like a 16 year old.:slight_smile:

Kev, would you recommend writing her some poetry?

No. Its too much, just a bit of up front honesty.

I doubt there are too many budding poets out this way anyway.:slight_smile:

Christ Kev, I’d say your a right barrell of laughs!?!
you sound like john major. is your bird called Norma by any chance.

Anyways TT I’d say the best bit of advice is Juhy’s alright.
If you’ve known her 10 years,then at some stage she has thought about the possibility of the two of you fucking. If she treats you in a kid brother kinda way, or thinks your a great laugh… she doesnt wannna fuck ye.
If she has serious conversations with you, its because she’s eyeing up the possibility of you two being together further down the line.

But by no means take Kev’s advice or she’ll think your just a pigeon-chested chinless wonder.

[quote=“josepi73”]Christ Kev, I’d say your a right barrell of laughs!?!
you sound like john major. is your bird called Norma by any chance.

Anyways TT I’d say the best bit of advice is Juhy’s alright.
If you’ve known her 10 years,then at some stage she has thought about the possibility of the two of you fucking. If she treats you in a kid brother kinda way, or thinks your a great laugh… she doesnt wannna fuck ye.
If she has seriosu conversations with you, its because she’s eyeing up the possibility of you two being together futher down the line.

But by no means take Kev’s advice or she’ll think your just a pigeon-chested chinless wonder.[/quote]

If she has any class at all thats exactly what she’ll think of him if he does it like a slobbering fool drunk.

What yoiu say above is true though, but i doubt he’d be looking for advice if it was very obvious. Unless of course he’s a thick cunt.:slight_smile:

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]He’s known her 10 years, it will need something different.

Who said anything about making an appointment. I actuall stressed make it as comfortable as possible, as in a normal setting.

Your also looking for the support of others on this, so your clearly not that confident even in your own opinion.

But look, whatever works for ya, its clearly been working all your life, so keep at it.[/quote]

Come on, Kev. I’m not looking for support just saying there’s a bit of a consensus that the very formal approach which you’re strongly advocating is not necessarily the best way. It’s not a personal attack or anything - you don’t have to try to turn everything into a row. You cunt. :thumbsup:

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]You sad sad man.
Its worked for me in the past, but then i’m just a confident guy.

This thread is full of whats wrong with our country. drink to ask out a bird??? Drink will mean you could waste a good period of your life with a bird because you don’t really know who the fuck your going out with. FFS sake lads, grow a pair of balls. No wonder so many of ye are single.[/quote]

Ah Jesus Kev, that was fuckin easy.
As if the above piece of ‘I’m Great so I am bouyyy and I’ll tell you something else…’ isn’t enough I’ve subsequently pissed myself laughing at your further earnest entreaties and entries.
On behalf of the the rest of TFK please begin a ‘Book of Kev’ thread. Just your daily musings*, that we the unwashed and unworthy may learn from your learned, worldly, pure self.

*As the idea was mine I claim all rights on t-shirt sales.

Kev’s the ghay friend. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Am I reading this right? You want to be friends with birds? There’s only two reasons to hang out with them - (a) to bang them (b) to bang their friends.

Shouldn’t have used the word bang, should have said ‘make love’, sorry Kev.

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[quote=“briantinnion”]Am I reading this right? You want to be friends with birds? There’s only two reasons to hang out with them - (a) to bang them (b) to bang their friends.

Shouldn’t have used the word bang, should have said ‘make love’, sorry Kev.[/quote]


Not sure what’s caused this sickness in Kev.

Get her pissed I still say, kev hasn’t changed my mind

[quote=“tipptops*”]You are friends with a lady.

You have been friends with said lady for a decent amount of time.

You would possibly like to be more than friends with this lady at this present time.

How does one go about removing ones self from the “friends” group and move into the “more than friends group”?

Serious contributions only please.[/quote]

start dating another bird**…bring her to meet your mates including the bird you like…cut off all contact with the bird you like- don’t answer her calls or nowt…go off the scene completely…then come back in a while and ask your one out for a drink at chrimbo…come clean about your feelings if she’s giving you the right vibes…

make sure to bally up when riding the decoy bird, don’t want to get her duffed

She’s from tipp, a few thick slices of ham between Stapletons bread and a flask of tea, and you’ll have her literally eating out of your hand.

Being from Tipp probably his cousin

Great wind up as always Tipptops. You rowed Kev in well in fairness to you.

Gas thread this.

Kev saying that ‘I am just a confident guy’ and ‘I am just good at chatting up women’.


Seems to me that anyone that would post this on the internet is actually the opposite - anyone who naturally is wouldn’t feel the need to tell everyone that they are.

Anyway, on the matter itself, if some of my lady mates heard me come out with some of the stuff Kev was saying I would never live it down. Bandage’s way is best - have the craic and let things flow naturally. Maybe start a bit of flirting, lingering eye contact etc before making your move but 10 plus years TT seems like a long time.

I think you should take my advice - then again I am just a confident guy.

He doesn’t even have her number ffs

Making her jealous by banging some other young wan could prove difficult seeing he’s taken 10 years to get this far with the first wan. This won’t end well.