Aer lingus: shower of cunts

they’re actually worse than ryanair

was heading to heathrow on friday last on a half 2 flight, woke up looked outside and rang aer lingus to see what the story was, they said to turn up at the airport and that there may be delays. got to the airport and hour and a half before take off was heading over to security to go through to departures when i got a text from aer lingustelling me that the flight was cancelled. spent 15 minutes looking for someone who might actually what they are talking about and was told to queue for aer lingus reservations.

spent 5 1/2 hours in this queue only for the sap at the counter to tell me that there was nothing he could do and that maybe i should go to the standby queue, went over there and some smart skobe from aer lingus said that there was no chance of getting a flight that day

I was absolutely seething at this stage as it was the missu’s birthday and I’d bookedc a weekend in london, and to make matters worse all ryanair flights flew that day to london, albeit late. no apology, no cuppa and essentially a fuck off from their staff. yerman said here was no chance of compo as it was down to weather, i told him that it wasn’t down to the weather as the airport had been open for 4 hours at the timeof my flight and flights had already gone to london

shower of fucks and i hope they go fucking bust, cunts

wrote a letter of complaint and copied the aviation regulator asi’m due 250 for the flight under EU law, but they have a get out if they cite weather, but i can counter that with the fact that others were flying and that the airport was open,so it was down to shit planning and not the weather

minister, your thoughts ?

Did I read that right, 5 and a half hours in a queue?! For fucks sake!


Lesson learned - aim to keep your money in this country next time round.

yup, i wasn’t the worst, there was a couple from ennis heading on their honeymoon and they missed their flight to thailand because of it so their honeymoon was ruined, aer lingus reaction was “so fucking what”

to rub salt in the wound the flight back was delayed by an hour and a half so i missed dublin bus and had to get a fecking taxi from the airport

speaking of thailand, all that money you spent on ladyboys in thailand mac and you think you can lecture me on keeping money in the country ??

[quote=“artfoley”]yup, i wasn’t the worst, there was a couple from ennis heading on their honeymoon and they missed their flight to thailand because of it so their honeymoon was ruined, aer lingus reaction was “so fucking what”

speaking of thailand, all that money you spent on ladyboys in thailand mac and you think you can lecture me on keeping money in the country ??[/quote]

That was back when the country was booming Art. It’s you and your ilk travelling abroad for weekends that has our country on its knees.

better to have the country on it’s knees rather than some 14 year old ladyboy on their knees for 2 baht

I would have thought an intrepid explorer like you Art would have blagged his way into the hold of cargo plane or something and got to London by hook or by crook. Where’s your bit of chutzpah art?

2 baht, sounds like a bargain!

Each to their own I suppose

Art has no standards Dan - hookers for 5 cent - I’d say they were tasty :smiley:

Art needs an urgent lesson in the art of skipping queues by the look of things,its easy eneogh done just dive in somewhere up the front and then neck it out,pretend it was the lad in front of you who dodged in and not yourself,pick a bunch of harmless looking sorts or a couple of oul wans and get in there,me brother is an expert at it,hes never been at the back of a queue in his life.


minister, your thoughts ?[/quote]
Irish Ferries sail and rail Dublin Port to London Euston 44 single on the day.

On the way home it’s only 29gbp available from any railway office in the UK on the day.

City centre to city centre can be done in around 7 hours, an hour or two more than a flight but way less stressful.

[quote=“BenShermin”]Irish Ferries sail and rail Dublin Port to London Euston 44 single on the day.

On the way home it’s only 29gbp available from any railway office in the UK on the day.

City centre to city centre can be done in around 7 hours, an hour or two more than a flight but way less stressful.[/quote]

This is why he is the minister.

Have you ever noticed though that every solution involves getting the ferry?

Wouldn’t have been much use to the couple in the queue going to Thailand on their honeymoon.

[quote=“Rocko”]Have you ever noticed though that every solution involves getting the ferry?

Wouldn’t have been much use to the couple in the queue going to Thailand on their honeymoon.[/quote]


[quote=“Rocko”]Have you ever noticed though that every solution involves getting the ferry?

Wouldn’t have been much use to the couple in the queue going to Thailand on their honeymoon.[/quote]

You admit yourself it’s a solution. The man is a transport genius. You’re still seething from the out of court settlement you had to pay him after someone took his name.

There was the other out of court settlement over the case brought by Yahoo which didn’t help either.

I concede it’s a solution. I’m just waiting for the time there’s a more taxing question that isn’t solved by Irish Ferries.

[quote=“BenShermin”]Irish Ferries sail and rail Dublin Port to London Euston 44 single on the day.

On the way home it’s only 29gbp available from any railway office in the UK on the day.

City centre to city centre can be done in around 7 hours, an hour or two more than a flight but way less stressful.[/quote]

Irish Ferries are a shower of ubercunts plus anyone I know who has ever done the London to Dublin by train and boat has horror stories to tell about it. Train delays, lots of connections, choppy crossing etc etc. In short take the plane.

Aer Lingus getting a bashing here but the most pleasant flight I took last year was from Boston to Dublin with them. Surprisingly decent food, very good choice of films, nice seats, plenty of space, tasty trolley dolleys. Very surprising that they had a flight to Dublin and a half hour later had one to Shannon. No wonder they are broke.

[quote=“KIB man”]Irish Ferries are a shower of ubercunts plus anyone I know who has ever done the London to Dublin by train and boat has horror stories to tell about it. Train delays, lots of connections, choppy crossing etc etc. In short take the plane.

Aer Lingus getting a bashing here but the most pleasant flight I took last year was from Boston to Dublin with them. Surprisingly decent food, very good choice of films, nice seats, plenty of space, tasty trolley dolleys. Very surprising that they had a flight to Dublin and a half hour later had one to Shannon. No wonder they are broke.[/quote]

Are you sure it wasn’t the same flight?

Must have been a charter, they don’t have two flights like that. They’re not that thick.