
Wife Beater?

Trimming? You asked me a question about one thing and then started shouting about another???

Nope. I think the above line is hilarious. Take the hit and move on. You ll get him again.

Must be serious curiosity for a couple who have been together from a young ageā€¦hanging round the one boneyard all your days ā€¦theyā€™d surely be curious for a bit of freshā€¦especially nowadays with porn being so accessibleā€¦they must be itching to try out a few new movesā€¦

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Do you understand the term?

Ya, we are not meant to be with just one person. So the more messing around you do when younger and the later you can leave hooking up for life the more likely youā€™ll be happy into your 40/50/60ā€™s. You will generally make better decisions on people and compatability etc as well

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All the research shows a more attractive wife makes for a happier marriage. Leads to more positive behaviour from men and women.


who says this?

I certainly never read that in the Bible.

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No definitive answer to what heā€™s suggesting ā€“ Some scientists will say our make up, particularly men, are meant to have more than one partner- others disagreeā€¦ I think they would all agree that we are a slightly polygynous creature at heart ā€”

Staying with one partner for life is very much a very modern concept but thereā€™s nothing to suggest itā€™s wrong.

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I know you may find this hard to fathom, but neither have I.

Thatā€™s a vile post. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is a great family man and even puts up with his in laws annoying him. Iā€™d very much doubt heā€™d be the type to engage in an affair


Exactly. And its something i would like to do eventuallyšŸ˜‰

I believe i read somewhere that some of the opposing research was church driven or funded or done by Religious Universities.

You are very loose when asked to provide back up to your opinions


What do i have to back up. Its something i believe.

I donā€™t beed a degree or a research paper to tell me.

50% of people are cheating on each other. And it drops dramatically after 50.

Its pretty straight forward

any back up for that stat?

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Kev is riding exactly half of his friendsā€™ women.


Go look it up. Its in the public domain.

Probably used empirical evidence from love Island as basis for that ā€œstatā€.