
Not 1 like.

I think you really fell in the middle there. You didnā€™t go full on nasty so you have failed to appeal to the usual insecure lackies.

No cocaine maybe?

How long are you with your missus? They say men with a proper nasty streak can only hide it for about 7 years. It comes out then.


Donā€™t have the wit or the balls for it yourself?

You wouldnā€™t have the balls to post that when Kev was on line.


I come and go as I please, normally personal or baby milks though!

Kev is a space cadet, apart from curing cancer, heā€™s now self qualified to deal with kids on the autism spectrum, heā€™s amazing.

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Mr slappy emerges?

I never saw a dame yet that didnā€™t understand a good slap in the mouth or a slug from a .45.

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who are they?


You strike me as a chap that wants to ride all round him and then marry a virgin .

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Thatā€™s a very very very strange post.


Can be mental or verbal too.

Often that has started anyway. In fact some men, and i assume women, start manipulation from the word go.

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Jesus fuck no.

Spend a few years teaching someone to ride and explore herself. What a pain in the hole.

I have no hang ups or guilt about sex and think its an integral part of it. But iā€™m not really into riding all around me tbh. I love good deep connected sex. Its way way better than most one night stands.

So you do not get that off the bat.


Yes .

You are a pussy.

Heā€™s alright though

Yeah but only on the INTERNET


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Sure how do we know.

This line is pure tfk gold.


You are still hurting from the trimming you took the other night and have to bring up a very strange line from a deranged coke adict wife beater?

I thought you were above that level

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