
He is leaving the missus.

He will end up financiallly like a post apocalyptic Netherlands. The whopper.


You were great at the time but Tasotti has stolen the thunder .

I found out about a guy having an affair recently who i really have a dislike for. He spread some utter nonsense but dangerous rumours about me a couple of years ago.

I know his wife well, friend of the family stuff. Never saw the mix really and was a strange coupling. Anyway i had my supicions as i worked in same building and there was this one hanging around alot. This cunt is mr. ClichĆ© so i knew it was likely but didnā€™t really care either.

Anyway as it turns out this young wan iā€™m banging knows him and owns a business in the town. She told me last week she caught them in the car park kissing and canodling etc. She described yer one to a tee and said they regularly had coffee together nearby.

Part of me would love to fuck him up. But the wiser oart says do not get involved. Maybe the wife knows and has her reaons for ignoring.

Its nice to have it in the back pocket i suppose anyway.


Poor form in general to take a man down in that regard. Let him dig his own grave.


Do him.

My lesson would be that.

I will post as yer man leaves his wife for a ā€œbetterā€
Version. And that unravels.

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Your lesson is to dob the bloke in just because heā€™s a wanker? Unless itā€™s family, itā€™s pretty pathetic going down that road, mate.

Its most likely i never would. However letting him know i know might be enjoyable

Iā€™m down here in the bar again looking for more action. Itā€™s nothing but auld wans looking for sex with the husband flaming in bed.

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I hope the choones are as good as earlier?

iā€™m going to go again, thereā€™s somethnig about the sea air that gets me right going


Even with family it can be dangerous getting involved. Iā€™ve seen a few cases where Mother Teresa types stuck their beak in and had it snapped off. Best left alone, let them sort it out themselves.

Go for it mate, you only live once and as others have said everyone deserves a little love.

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What is dead may never dieā€¦

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Iā€™m going for a young one now. About 30. Absolutely rotten looking


Donā€™t let your standards drop now mate, you were doing so well.

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They are the ones you want. A filthy bitch

You auld romanticā€¦


Its fairly obvious its not romantic at all, for either of us. And we are both quite ok with that

I thought you were in a long term relationship?

What happened there?

Jaysus thats gone with at least 2 years.

Couldnā€™t handle my business essentially was the main issue. Unsupportive