
The girl that left oz to go to cork with you was unsupportive?


How could she be supportive and she only having one leg?


Correct. Some people only pretend to be listening sometimes

Go with this. Stay well clear. Feel free to use the threat if needs be in time perhaps.

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He showed her the world, she changed her mind. Their paths separate and life moves on.


Exactly. We’re all adults.

Everything is a choice

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I think youd be a mad vindictive bastard to tell her just to stir some shit.

Lookit, iv seen your auld yarn a dozen times. It’s not novel. Strangely none ever made use of the full stop/pause method as good as you do.
If this auld yarn has more milage can we have more on the friend of the homwrecker though, and her morally outraged husband who feeds on the gossip as he runs to the internet with it?

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Ya thats the thinking really. And time has seen me come out of the whole thing now about him looking way better as i kept my mouth shut and when anything was brought to me i just said, you make up your own mind, is that my character that you have known for 10/20/30 years or do you believe ter man you know for 2. Thats enough for some. Others need time.

It was slander and way out of line and i seriously thought about collaring him or getting legals involved. But i think i took the right route now.

The one thing i would say though, is if i thought she needed a physical intervention i wouldn’t hesitate in stepling in or telling a male cousin she has i am friends with and is close to her. This cunt is a bully and a dangerous one. Hence the reason he started the nonsense with me was because i called him on it and gave it to him between the eyes (this was business related). So quite predicatbly he went on the offensive with mutal friends etc.

However out of that i even got a deeper insight, you find out who your smart and strong friends are and who are the flaky new money ones, or maybe just confirming suspicions. So he helped me see a bit of that, which was great in itself.


You’re not a predator. You’re a fucking scavenger picking the bones of trafficked prostitutes.

Delusional. Posting about it on here to get a thrill.

Work on your self esteem and maybe you’ll be happier because you aren’t finding it being the tenth man in a day to have sex with a woman.

You’re a disgrace. You hate yourself with every self loathing thrust into a woman who hates you and your greasy face like every other man that day.



He thinks he exists on a higher plane because he satisfies his urges… If half of it is true, he is one of the weakest cunts here.


@Rocko - please update the post of the week.


that was the girl that went to Oz

So he ruined stumpys life by bringing her to Oz and dumping her. Then ruined another girls life by bringing her from Oz to Ireland and then dumping her. There’s a bit of a trend here.

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Stumpy brought me to oz fella. And then got cranky cos i didn’t want yo go to canada 3 months in :joy:

Bitches be crazy


Did you ever consider that she may have masterminded the tool robbing to set you against Australia and agree to the Canada move?

Ah she was well gone then. And mastermind? Def not😂

That was just 2 self entitled scumbags from waterford

@HBV has a few lads badly rattled in here.

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Cracking posts here this morning. This should have 20 likes got.